Follow Friday: That One Time Where I was the Feature Edition!

Feature and Follow is a weekly meme hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read. This is to promote blogs, have new followers and to be friends with everyone!!

RULES: (just tweaked them a bit but still the same idea!)

To join the fun and make new book blogger friends, just follow these simple rules:

1. (Required) Follow the hosts {Parajunkee and Alison Can Read} and Featured Bloggers.
2. Put your Blog name and URL in the Linky thing on either of the host’s blogs.
3. Follow as many as you want.
4. If someone comments and says they are following you, be a dear and follow back. Spread the Love!

Hi everyone! I’m super excited for this edition of Follow Friday because…… I’M ONE OF THE FEATURED BLOGGERS! *throws confetti* I’d like to welcome everyone and thank you for stopping by!!! 

QUESTION: What is the first thing you would do if you woke up to find yourself in your favorite book? 

 I’m cheating a little because I can’t pick just one book. So I chose my favorite series lol If I woke up tomorrow and I was in Harry Potter’s world, the first thing I would want to do is play a game of Quidditch! I would want to play a little of every position to know what each was like. I just think it would be so fun to ride around on a broom, catching a Quaffle, batting at a Bludger, and catching a Snitch to win the game! 

So, what would you do in your favorite book???
Join the hop and let me know! 

54 thoughts on “Follow Friday: That One Time Where I was the Feature Edition!

  1. Congrats on the feature! Quidditch would definitely be a first if I woke up at Hogwarts! πŸ˜€ Old Follower. My FF post is at either Musings on Fantasia or LKHill. Happy Friday!

  2. Harry Potter now that would be fun!!! Congrats on being featured. New Follower GFC
    My FF


  3. Great pick! I think that would be so much fun!
    New follower =] Hope you can come on by and visit me as well!

  4. Harry Potter would be the best book to wake up into(: I think I would try out one of the spells first. Great Choice

    New Follower

    Here is my Feature and Follow

  5. Quidditch does sound like a lot of fun. It would be awesome to fly!

    Tara @ Shhh… Not While I'm Reading

  6. I have always wanted to play Qudditch or at least attend Hogwarts! haha. congrats on being featured!
    New follower, here's my FF
    -Jelly πŸ˜€

  7. Congratulations on the feature! I think it would be so much fun to play Quidditch! What an excellent answer. Here is my FF. New GFC Follower πŸ˜€ Jaclyn @ JC's Book Haven

  8. I chose the HP series as well! I would love to play quidditch and I'd love to learn a spell. Old follower….congrats on being featured!

  9. I'm stopping by from the F&F and I noticed that you're part of the Persistence of Vision blog tour. Me, too! Didn't you just love that book?? I can't wait to read the next one (she's writing it right now). Anyway, happy reading. Cute blog πŸ™‚

    Megan @ Megz Madd Readz

  10. Congrats on being featured! I see that HP is quite popular today.

    Old Follower

    My FF @ Marilyn's Mystery Blog

  11. Congrats on the feature! I've never read the Harry Potter series but yeah, it would be fun to ride a broom. Casting spells would be great too!

    My F&F

  12. LOL. I kind of cheated and chose my favorite series, too. πŸ˜€ Quidditch definitely would be one of the first things I'd do if I awoke in the HP world. Congrats on the feature.

    New follower
    My first FF @ The LUV'NV

  13. Congrats on the feature. I think that would be fun riding around on a broom πŸ™‚

    New GFC Follower
    My FF @ The Creative Forum

  14. Congrats on the feature! I'd love to ride a broom, too. πŸ™‚

    New GFC follower. Happy FF!
    Renee @ Succotash Reviews

  15. Congrats on the feature. HP will be a popular choice today I think!!

    Here's My FF!
    Naomi @ Nomi’s Paranormal Palace
    New Follower πŸ™‚

  16. Congrats on being featured! πŸ™‚

    I sure hope we can play Quidditch someday πŸ™‚

    New follower via GFC πŸ™‚

    My FF!

  17. That is one of my favorite series….and yes, I would love to wake up there…when I'm indulging in my childhood fantasy! I would go to Diagon Alley and get me some Fortescue Ice Cream, check out Olivanders and then go to Hogsmeade and get some Butterbeer and Firewhiskey!

    New follower!
    My Follow Friday @ I Heart Romance

  18. Congrats on being featured this week!

    I think we're allowed to cheat on the FF questions, it makes it even more fun that way πŸ™‚

    I'm an old GFC follower, here's my
    my FF post for this week.

    Have a fabulous Friday!

  19. LOL, I have Harry potter, too!!! But I want to try… the food!

    New follower! My FF is here FF

  20. Congrats on being featured! Good choice I didn't even think about Harry Potter. I'm a new follower have a great weekend.

  21. I always think that if I played Quidditch I would definitely get knocked out right away. Probably end up a mess on the ground.

  22. that would be an awesome game to try! great pick and congrats on being featured ! Our F&F ~ Katie @ Inkk

  23. Great answer. I would just like to see the game played in person. =)
    Old follower via GFC. Congrats on being a feature this week!
    Here's my Feature and Follow Friday Post
    Megan @ Love, Literature, Art, and Reason

  24. Congrats on the feature! I'd actually learn to apparate first. Would love to pop up unexpectedly behind someone. πŸ˜‰

    Do drop by my Follow Friday.
    New follower!

  25. I picked HP too, but I decided I'd visit Hogsmeade first. Quidditch is on my to-do list right after.

    New Follower!
    My FF:

  26. New follower via GFC πŸ™‚

    I put Harry Potter for my world too. Can't beat the ability to do magic, and I didn't even think about Quidditch.

    My FF

  27. Congrats on the feature!! HP was one of my choices as well and I would definitely want to watch Quidditch, but I don't think I would want to play…those bludgers frighten me a bit πŸ™‚
    New GFC follower.
    Traci @ Mad Hatter Reads

  28. Congrats on being featured πŸ˜€ I'm an old follower via GFC!

    I also put The Wizarding World of Harry Potter β™₯ and playing Quidditch sounds like a total blast doesn't it?!

    Have a great week-end πŸ™‚
    Micheline @ Lunar Rainbows

  29. New GFC follower πŸ™‚

    Congrats on the feature πŸ˜€ I see you're reading Splintered next… I hope you love it! That was one of my new all time faves!

  30. I love HP too! And if I woke up, I would dothat to, and go to Mr. Olivander's for a wand πŸ˜€

    PS new follower under Divergent Gryffindor or Kimberly Ching:)

    My Follow & Feature Post

  31. I ALMOST picked Harry Potter since that's what I'm reading right now. Yeah for magic!

    New follower

  32. Playing quidditch is an excellent choice! Congrats on the feature. I'm a new follower via GFC. Here's my #ff:


  33. Playing quidditch? I'm a pansy, too scared of injury up in the air. New follower for your GCF.:)

  34. Congrats on being featured, nice answer.

  35. Old follower here. Great answer. I think I would do magic first thing if I woke in Potter-ville. Here's my FF.

  36. Congrats on your feature! I think that that would be very fun! Quidditch is definitely something that would need to be experienced if you found yourself in the Harry Potter world.

    Old Follower.

    My FF:

  37. Congrats on being featured.
    I never got into Harry Potter yup I know I'm bad. However I think a game of Quidditch would be awesome. Thanks for great share this week.
    New follower =D
    My FF

  38. My biggest fear about waking up in the HP world is being a muggle!

    Congrats on your feature! New follower via GFC.

  39. Congrats on being featured! :]
    That's a great answer. Why didn't I think of that myself? >_< lol! I would love to play Quidditch!

    New follower!

    Here's my FF!

    ~Stephanie @ Bookfever


    New follower via GFC πŸ™‚

    My F&F :

  41. OMG I can't believe I forgot Harry Potter!!! I would love to go to Hogwarts! New follower GFC here!

    Kelly @ Dandelion Dreams
    My FF

  42. Your blog is so adorable! I agree about wanting to play Quidditch. It sounds like so much fun!

    I'm a new follower, who is also a 24 year old Texan! Check out my FF πŸ™‚

  43. I want to play Quidditch too! Nothing beats an HP answer. Congrats on the feature and I'm a new GFC follower.

    Happy Friday!

  44. New GFC follower. Congratulations on your feature! Drop by and visit at

  45. Congrats on being the feature! New follower!

    Harry Potter was on my list (I always cheat) but I said I would probably hide since dying seemed likely. I'm a coward.

  46. Congrats on being one of the featured blogs this week! Great pick! Quidditch would be a must do activity in the HP world!

    New follower via GFC.
    Holly @ Words Fueled by Love

  47. Congratulations Nikki for being one of the Featured bloggers at Feature & Follow Friday!

    I'm with you, Authors are like celebrities to me too LOL and they are so down to Earth when they correspond with you.

    Love your #FF answer LOL here's my Feature & Follow post.

    Congrats on doing a Masters degree, you should be proud of yourself πŸ˜‰

    New Follower!

    Angelica @
    Paperback Princess

  48. Congrats on being featured this week! I'm your newest GFC follower and would love for you to visit me whenever you can.

    The Scarf Β Princess

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