Follow Friday: Laughed so hard my stomach hurt!

Feature & Follow is hosted by TWO hosts, Parajunkee’s View & Alison Can Read.    

The goal is to increase blog followers and make friends. Basically how it works is you follow them, they follow you. Win. Win. So looking forward to making new blogging friends & following blogs!

Post a funny youtube video! (it doesn’t have to be book related)

     I remembered seeing a Percy Jackson vs Harry Potter “rap battle” once upon a time (don’t waste your time…. They’re all stupid…) so I started thinking, maybe there is a Twilight and Harry Potter one. Well no RAP battle came up, but I did find a dance battle lmao Who ever made the video is super talented! The dances are legit AND the song had me laughing so hard my stomach started hurting. You don’t have to watch it all the way through, but it gets better as it goes on. What do you think??? 
I had nothing to do with the making of this video. I just used it here for entertainment. Here is the direct link to it! 

What did you think of my video? Did you crack up like me? 
What video made you laugh? Was it bookish?!
Leave it in the comments!

4 thoughts on “Follow Friday: Laughed so hard my stomach hurt!

  1. LOL! Nice!

    Here's my Follow Friday

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

  2. Hahaha! I love HP and I admit Twilight is a guilty pleasure. This is hilarious! Thanks for sharing! New follower via Bloglovin' and Twitter 🙂

    Here's my F&F!

  3. Such a grt video..Thanks for sharing..:)
    I was thoroughly entertained and loved the dance!

    New GFC follower..

    Here is my FF

    -Nikita @Njkinny's World of Books & Stuff

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Diverse Book Blogger. Diverse YA Librarian. Wonder Woman enthusiast. Bookish Blerd. "GryffinClaw" Geek extraordinaire. Pitbull mom. She/her