Follow Friday: Late April Fools!!!

Feature & Follow is hosted by TWO hosts, Parajunkee’s View & Alison Can Read.    
The goal is to increase blog followers and make friends. Basically how it works is you follow them, they follow you. Win. Win. So looking forward to making new blogging friends & following blogs!

Late April Fools. What was the best prank you’ve played or had played on you? Share! 

I’ve never played a prank on someone before, but I DID help someone else PLAN one. It was a really old one, but it worked! The good old replacing the amazing Oreo cream with TOOTHPASTE!

What do you think of this prank? 
What pranks have you played or had played on you?!

23 thoughts on “Follow Friday: Late April Fools!!!

  1. This sounds awesome! I should try this out next year 😉 great prank!

    New GFC and bloglovin follower 🙂

    Our FFF

  2. LOL that is yuck but would be so funny to watch it played out. Nice prank!

    I'm a new bloglovin follower, nice to meet you!

    Here is my FF post – FF#1 – Sharon's Book Nook!

  3. That would be an awesome prank! Very creative. 🙂
    My FF
    New GFC follower

  4. Lol – that's so funny. I don't pay April Fools jokes really, but it's probably because I'm very unimaginative when it comes to things like that.

  5. Oh man! That sounds like a good one! So did the toothpaste dry good to look like the cream?

    Here's my Follow Friday

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

  6. I love Oreos – I would hate to have someone play that prank on me 🙂
    New Bloglovin follower.
    Here's my FF

  7. Haha..This is a grt idea.. I havent seen anyone near me try it..:)
    New Bloglovin follower…
    My FF

    Happy FF!

    -Njkinny @ Njkinny's World of Books

  8. Oh I am sooooo filing that away for next year. My kids are going to hate me! Thanks for a cool prank! I am a new bloglovin follower!

    Kristalyn @ The Sarcastic Palmtree
    My FFF

  9. I have heard about this prank! How did the person respond. I probably would have just assumed they were mint oreos (which exist and are amazing). Great prank!

    Happy FF! Old Follower.
    Cassi @ My Thoughts Literally

  10. Never heard of this one – but I'm not an American so this may be why!!! Neat trick 😛

    Visit my blog this FF – Nice Girls Read Books

  11. Oh my. That's so gross and such a good prank! Lol
    New bloglovin' follower! 🙂

  12. Just read this one in Maybe Someday by Colleen Hoover and it made me laugh!

    You can find my FF HERE!

  13. That is so gross but so brilliant!
    I'm a new GFC follower!
    My FF
    Christy @ Captivated Reading

  14. Yeah I was so glad they asked me to HELP and I wasn't the object of the prank lmao

  15. Yes! It looked like a regular Oreo! It just smelled a little minty. But with the ones nowadays that actually have mint cream it wasn't a big difference!

  16. If you try it just make sure the person you're trying it on is just as silly lol

  17. They weren't too happy from what I heard lol She did it because the girl was her roommate and she was thinking she was eating her food so she left them on the counter and low and behold she caught her. She wrote her a letter apologizing and saying she could've just asked hahahaha

  18. Did not know this prank was in Maybe Someday! Maybe I will use that as my motivation to FINALLY read a Colleen Hoover novel! I want to see what happens!

  19. That's a classic prank! I hope someone will still fall for that.

    New GFC & bloglovin follower. Here's my FF.

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