Follow Friday: Guilty Pleasures

This is a meme hosted every Friday by Parajunkee, where book bloggers answer a question each week and check out how others answered it. It’s a cool way for bloggers and viewers to connect and learn more about each other!

Q: What is your guilty pleasure as far as reading? Is it a genre, or is it a certain type of book?

A: Bad Boys. I don’t care if its a romance or not, but I LOVE me a bad boy. I guess because they’re not afraid to do anything, even if they are only in the fiction world. Some of my favorite bad boys include: Jacob Black, Alex, Carlos, and Luis Fuentes! 

What is YOUR guilty pleasure? Leave a link and I’ll be sure to stop by! 

2 thoughts on “Follow Friday: Guilty Pleasures

  1. Who doesn't love bad boys! I absolutely love Ash from the Iron Fey Series and Jacob Black!

    Old follower:) My FF

    Jackie @Jackie's Book World

  2. Oh, the Fuentes Brothers. I love them. I have yet to see an author write male characters so well 😉

    Thanks for stopping by my FF

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