Follow Friday: Book Boyfriends

Feature & Follow is hosted by TWO hosts, Parajunkee’s View & Alison Can Read.    

The goal is to increase blog followers and make friends. Basically how it works is you follow them, they follow you. Win. Win. So looking forward to making new blogging friends & following blogs!

3 favorite book boyfriends, what book they’re in, and why you’ll always love them 
          Gah this one will be hard. Obvs I have WAYYYYYY TO MANY OF THEM LMFAO

Crash into You (Pushing the Limits, #3)

Isaiah from Crash Into You by Katie McGarry

     Of course I made him one of these. I literally loved him from Book one of the Pushing the Limits series. I adored him and I hated the pin that the people in this series caused him. I only ever wanted him to be happy. I’ll always love him because he’s super sweet on the inside even though his outer shell is tough. Much like an Oreo and God knows how much I like those lmao

“I don’t want to be without you. I like who I am with you, and I don’t want to go back to who I was before. I love you Rachel. So this will work. No matter what or who stands in our way.”  

Scarlet (The Lunar Chronicles, #2)

Wolf  from Scarlet by Marissa Meyer

     I’ve loved Wolf since I found out he was street fighter. (Literally the first freakin chapter lol) I’ve always loved the bad boy turned softie, so he obviously fits right in. Plus it helps that the image in my head of him is completely buff and gorgeous lmao

“But you’re the only one, […]. You’ll always be the only one.”

Aiden from The Covenant series by Jennifer L. Armentrout

     Ahhh finally one of my boys who wasn’t a bad boy. he was a good boy through and through. And he will always be one of my favorites! I LOVED him ever since the first book in this series, but in Deity, I fell for him. I finally was able to get him “signed” to me for my birthday and I couldn’t be happier! He’s been in the picture a long time and yet he was the first one I thought of for this post. obviously he belongs in the Book Boyfriend Hall of Fame.
“I can’t keep pretending that I don’t want this- that I don’t want you. I can’t. Not after what happened to you. I thought I’d lost you, Alex, forever. And I would’ve lost everything. You are my everything.”   

Who are 3 of your Book Boyfriends?
Do you share any with me?

…Better yet… Don’t answer that lolol

One thought on “Follow Friday: Book Boyfriends

  1. I think I always had a fondness for Wolf! I loved his devotion to Scarlet. Though I did like Thorne and Cress too! And yay for a JLA book boyfriend!!

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    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

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