Follow Friday!

Follow Friday is hosted by Parajunkee’s View and Alison Can Read, which is basically a way to follow blogs and make new friends.
It’s pretty easy. Head over to the hosts page, check out some blogs and follow. Make sure you let them know you are following otherwise they won’t know.

Q: Summer break is upon us! Which would be the perfect vacation spot for you to catch up on your reading and relax?


A: Mine would definitely be on a cruise. I would hang out on deck in the sun with a Pina Colada or Margarita and just read. Sounds so peaceful! 

And now TGIF—> 

Q: What made you decide to start your very own book blog? 

A: Well as an English minor I had to take SOOO MANY English classes while I was in school. And this one class was taught by a teacher who wanted to know about EVERYTHING we read, so she made us keep a journal (like a written or typed one) about all the books she assigned us different genres and asked that we pick a book from each one and write about it. So I decided I would go the creative route and turn mine into a blog…. Until she told me she wouldn’t be able to look at it on the computer because she didn’t quite know how to use the internet… (-____-) So as soon as that class was over, I decided that I would just go ahead and do it anyways, I mean I read enough anyway. Also, (another fun fact about my blog) that January, I had come up with the New Year’s Resolution that I would come up with a blog. But I hadn’t put any thought into what kind or anything like that. And then once school was out in May, that’s when I decided I would start blogging about the books I read. (But I had forgotten all about my resolution by then. It wasnt until someone asked me if I had fufilled it that it clicked!)

What about you? Leave a link and I’ll be sure to stop by!

5 thoughts on “Follow Friday!

  1. Oohh… I'm scared of huge boats so I don't think I'd like to be on a cruise while reading. 😀 But that's a pretty picture!
    And what a unique way for you to start book blogging!
    Great answer! I love that you get to share your thoughts on books. A lot of my friends don't read as much as I do so we don't really talk about books.

    My TGIF/Follow Friday

  2. I've never been on a cruise but it sounds really fun. ^.^
    New follower!

  3. Reading upon a cruise sounds interesting, but I don't understand why someone would want to do that.

  4. Have you been on a cruise before? I hope the seas remain calm while you enjoy your margarita and your book 🙂

    I became a book blogger after a career as a newspaper columnist. I started reviewing books in 2002.

    New follower:


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