Follow Friday!

Feature & Follow #FF

Feature and Follow Friday is a blog hop that is designed to provide some much-appreciated exposure to the bloggers participating, and to expand their following. Hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read,each of whom feature a chosen blog for the week, it’s an interesting way to get to know one another.

If you would like to follow me, you can do so by GFC, Twitter or Linky (right).

I also make sure to go back and follow everyone that comments and I try to always follow twitter along with GFC/Linky. So if you have a twitter that is not on your page for some reason leave it in the comments and I will follow you that way too!

Q: What New Years Blogging or Writing resolution have you placed on yourself?

A: I actually just posted that here! But one thing that I wanted to add, would be to add more Middle Grade here at Take Me Away… I was given some review copies of some from Penguin that I read and loved and now I want to use them more

What are your resolutions for 2013?

2 thoughts on “Follow Friday!

  1. I always like MG books, so I can't wait to see more reviews about them! 🙂


  2. Nice resolution. Middle-grade books are fun. I<m about to read Wonder soon.

    Here is mine:

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Take Me Away

Diverse Book Blogger. Diverse YA Librarian. Wonder Woman enthusiast. Bookish Blerd. "GryffinClaw" Geek extraordinaire. Pitbull mom. She/her