Expect the Unexpected!

Top 5 Newborn Must Haves | The Sweet {Pea} Life

If you’re an old follower, you know my posts haven’t been as regular as they used to be. ESPECIALLY this week when I didn’t even have memes ready to go up like I normally do. (I normally schedule them a week in advance) But this week, something kinda unexpected (well not really lol) happened…..

My son made his debut 2 weeks early! And because of that, I have NOT been on my scheduling or reading game. I tried reading in the hospital, but it’s like the nurses don’t want to see you relax at all. Every time I opened a book, they needed to check my vitals, give me meds, or check on my son again. It was crazy! So basically, I’m going to be taking some time to get back to normal. Or establishing my new normal. Whichever way you want to look at it.

So just know, it may take a few weeks, it may take a few months, but I’m not going anywhere!

4 thoughts on “Expect the Unexpected!

  1. Congrats again Nikki!! So happy for you guys!

    Yeah, trying to read in the hospital is super hard. I think I gave up on it myself after a certain point. Basically just rested when I could–because yeah, they like to interrupt that too, lol–and watched TV. Though I was in for other reasons, obviously.

    Hope you’re able to find your balance!

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Take Me Away

Diverse Book Blogger. Diverse YA Librarian. Wonder Woman enthusiast. Bookish Blerd. "GryffinClaw" Geek extraordinaire. Pitbull mom. She/her linktr.ee/take_me_awayyy