Cutting Teeth by Chandler Baker

e-Audio, 11:15:48
Narrated by: January LaVoy & Chandler Baker
Release Date: July 18, 2023
Published by: Macmillan Audio
Read from: July 21-23, 2023
Source: E-Audio Code Given by the Publisher (I received a copy of this book from the Publisher in exchange for a just and honest review. This did nothing to influence my review.)
TW: Blood, Murder, Medical Trauma
For Readers Interested In: Thrillers, Mysteries, Adult, Sparkly Cover, Realistic Fiction

      New York Times bestselling author Chandler Baker’s Cutting Teeth is a witty, thrilling story of parental love that asks: is there anything a mother won’t do for her children?
     Darby, Mary Beth, and Rhea are on personal quests to reclaim aspects of their identities subsumed by motherhood—their careers, their sex lives, their bodies. Their children, though, disrupt their plans when an unsettling medical condition begins to go around the Little Academy preschool: the kids are craving blood.
     Then a young teacher is found dead, and the only potential witnesses are ten adorable four-year-olds.
     Soon it becomes clear that the children are not just witnesses, but also suspects . . . and so are their mothers.
     As the police begin to look more closely, the children’s ability to bleed their parents dry becomes deadly serious. Part murder mystery, part motherhood manifesto, Cutting Teeth explores the standards society holds mothers to—along with the ones to which we hold ourselves—and the things no one tells you about becoming a parent.


So I came across this book while I was watching a webinar for work. I don’t think I was supposed to be watching said webinar because it was for adults, but I ended up there anyway…. And thein this weird ass book showed up. And I was done. I immediately added it to my TBR with no questions asked. I HAD to know wtf was going on at that school and which one of those lil bad asses did it lol

OK so I DID like this, but I can admit that it was really repetitive. IT was told in different POVs from the parents. But they all had the same questions and all of them were mad at some one. It just felt like it was all the same. And because there were so many different POVs, it took so long for the main mystery to start. Baker had to give all the parents, and then the kids an intro and then it was time to introduce why they might have motive. Add in there the mixed media that was in there and yeah, it took a while.

But with that being said, the mixed media in the audio version was pretty cool. It changed the tone of the audio and made it seem like it was actually the police recording. Idk, I know this is something small, but I love audiobooks like this. And the fact that this wasn’t done by a whole group of people but only by January LaVoy?! That’s crazy! She is so good and I LOVE listening to her. I will listen to any and all books she narrates.

I DID like the characters and their crazy tho. I didn’t guess the whodunit, but I kinda did. I guessed the type of person if that makes sense. I knew what they were trying to do too, which obviously made me think it wasn’t right. And although it was to an extent, I was not expecting what happened in the last few minutes. I remember having to go rewind it and listen back. The ending will throw you for a loop lol

I also liked all the secrets this book held. Let me tell you, my messy ass was hanging on every word! I was talking out loud to them and i was even considering writing out the tidbits that kept turning up so I could place the blame on someone. I even remember gasping in some places too because some of this shit was outrageous and I was just shocked.

*SPOILER* Speaking of the ending, it also pissed me off. There is one whole part of the story that was not explained. Like I get what you were doing with it Baker, but the least you could have done was explain it. Because I got so into the damn story and was mostly interested in this book because of that and yeah. I just didn’t understand why you left that part out. And please don’t give the excuse the book uses, because THAT WAS NOT GOOD ENOUGH. You can’t just say eh it’s a condition?! That’s what the whole book was about?! I remember yelling while I was listening lol

This was my first book by Chandler Baker and without spoiling anything, I thought it was a delight. It had it’s problems, but it didn’t stop me from being so interested I forgot to make my family dinner one night lol This weird ass book had me hooked from the beginning all because these little kiddos were chewing on people like they were vampires. Definitely a weird ass story, but also definitely worth the read!

Overall, I give this

Take Me Away

Diverse Book Blogger. Diverse YA Librarian. Wonder Woman enthusiast. Bookish Blerd. "GryffinClaw" Geek extraordinaire. Pitbull mom. She/her