Cover Crazy Mondays!

I don’t normally do Cover Crazy Monday’s, so when I do, it has to be for a cover that I a absolutely nuts about  And this week, I definitely found one that I really and truly love! It was released earlier today by its author Jessica Khoury and Bookish . So, without further ado, I’m cover crazy about Vitro by Jessica Khoury!

     Ummm Idk what everyone else thinks, but I think the island in the middle of the test tube gives an ominous feeling about the island. I can’t wait to see what its all about. And the blue is soooo pretty. That was the perfect color for the water  I also love how everything else is sort of burred out and letting the test tube take the front line. It really looks good altogether. 
What do you think about today’s cover? 

One thought on “Cover Crazy Mondays!

  1. I think it's brilliant. I love how they even took into account the distortion made by looking through glass. Blurb sounds interesting too 🙂

    Nyx @ Unraveling Words

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