So from this video you can tell I went back to Galveston, Tx. I went on that self guided Juneteenth tour and I learned about the Reedy Chapel. It’s said that the Order was proclaimed at many different places, including the courthouse and this church, Reedy AME Chapel. It also became the first place documented place where Juneteenth was celebrated. The statue and the mural are new and I just think they’re so beautiful! Also another fun fact about the Ashton Villa: I had my 8th grade prom there and we won Cutest Couple lolol
Books Include:

–Opal Lee and What it Means to Be Free
–Nigeria Jones (Again, not about Juneteenth, but there is a Juneteenth celebration in the book!)
–Juneteenth Is
–The Juneteenth Story
–The Juneteenth Cookbook
–The Story of Juneteenth
–Calling My Name (Not exactly about Juneteenth, but there is a Juneteenth celebration and even tho I read this years ago, I still remember how I felt seeing this holiday in a book!)
–Let’s Celebrate Juneteenth
–Free at Last
–They Built Me for Freedom
For more books on Juneteenth, here’s some graphics I made:

Have you read any of these? Will you read them now? Let me know in the comments!