Bookish New Year’s Resolutions!


     2014 will be BIGGER and better than all the other years here on my blog! Why do I say that? Because I have a bunch of things planned for the blog that I can’t wait to get started on! I have so many different ideas and I can’t wait for you all to see them! Looking back at my goals for 2013, I completed a few of them, but not all and I’m ok with that. But 2014 will be my year! Soooo, without further ado, here’s what I have in store:

1. Last year I set my Reading goal as 75. I realized that I could read more than that since I’ve added MG to my blog. So I think this year I will shoot for 90…. And I won’t just have a certain day for reviews. Because there are soooo many that are released on the same day lol I will read and review them as soon as I can. 

2. Have more giveaways! I know I say this year after year, but I actually did a lot more this past year. I want to do one for when I do my 850th post here on the blog and my 1,000th post on the blog. 

3. Read more books from genres I THINK I don’t like. (I say this because I only think I don’t like some genres because I never gave it a chance…) I plan to read at least 2 books from each of these genres:
  • Historical Fiction
  • Dystopian
  • Fantasy

So, if you have any recommendations, let me know.

4. Making more of my own graphics. I have Photoshop sitting on my computer, but my friend downloaded it and I have no idea how to use it smh So, I plan on sitting down to learn and making the blog look a little more completely mine. 

5. Using ARC tours more. Using those helps me to put a move on reading review books since I’ll only have them for a week. Normally I would just put them off until the month of and try to hurry up and read them smh

6. Be more social. I created my blog’s Twitter to help with the publicity of my posting, but now I want to use it to be more social with bloggers and authors. I can’t wait to get to know some of you more.

7. FINALLY start the meme I’ve been thinking about doing for sooooo long! They’re called Take Me Away… As you can see, it is the name sake of the blog, and it will be a post featuring the book’s setting. I will give info about the place as well as show things that are mentioned in the book.It ws all inspired by the Epic Reads YA World Map

7. Lastly, I want to attend more bookish events! I went to my first one last year and met one of my fave authors (JLA)! I can’t wait to see others that I love! The first one I plan to attend this year is Montgomery County Book Festival near my home so I can meet MARISSA MEYER! You guys should all know how I feel about her and her Lunar Chronicles series. 
Do you have any Bookish New Year’s Resolutions? 
Name some of them!

Take Me Away

Diverse Book Blogger. Diverse YA Librarian. Wonder Woman enthusiast. Bookish Blerd. "GryffinClaw" Geek extraordinaire. Pitbull mom. She/her