Book Lovers by Emily Henry

e-ARC, 384 pages
Release Date: May 3, 2022
Published by: Berkley
Read from: April 14-25, 2022
Companion to Emily Henry’s other book
Source:  Edelweiss (I received a copy of this book from Edelweiss and the Publisher in exchange for a just and honest review. This did nothing to influence my review.)
TW: Parent Death
For Readers Interested In: Contemporary Romance, Books/Reading, Realistic Fiction, (Lite) Enemies to Lovers

    One summer. Two rivals. A plot twist they didn’t see coming…
     Nora Stephens’ life is books—she’s read them all—and she is not that type of heroine. Not the plucky one, not the laidback dream girl, and especially not the sweetheart. In fact, the only people Nora is a heroine for are her clients, for whom she lands enormous deals as a cutthroat literary agent, and her beloved little sister Libby.
     Which is why she agrees to go to Sunshine Falls, North Carolina for the month of August when Libby begs her for a sisters’ trip away—with visions of a small town transformation for Nora, who she’s convinced needs to become the heroine in her own story. But instead of picnics in meadows, or run-ins with a handsome country doctor or bulging-forearmed bartender, Nora keeps bumping into Charlie Lastra, a bookish brooding editor from back in the city. It would be a meet-cute if not for the fact that they’ve met many times and it’s never been cute.
     If Nora knows she’s not an ideal heroine, Charlie knows he’s nobody’s hero, but as they are thrown together again and again—in a series of coincidences no editor worth their salt would allow—what they discover might just unravel the carefully crafted stories they’ve written about themselves.


When I knew there was another book by Emily Henry coming out, I got excited. And when I found out that it was another about books, I got even more excited and started talking to everyone about it. So it’s no surprise that as soon as I got time to read it, I took the chance.

“When books are your life- or in my case, your job- you get pretty good at guessing where a story is going. The tropes, archetypes, the common plot twists, all start to organize themselves into a catalogue inside your brain, divided by category and genre.”

Nora found her life in books. Unfortunately, when readers say they can relate to the main character, she doesn’t feel that. She always seems like the mean, no nonsense person who seems all about work and has no feelings. When her pregnant sister begs her to take a small trip, she knows she can’t deny her. It just so happens they run into a colleague of Nora’s, another no-nonsense bookish person, Charlie. The first time they met wasn’t pretty, and this time seems worse. But when they have to come together unexpectedly, they start to realize they need each other more than they thought.

“The details may change from book to book, but there’s nothing truly new under the sun.”

Starting with the characters as individuals, I LOVED Nora. I think I loved her so much because I related to her so much. I’m also the older sister and although we still have our parents, I still help to take care of my younger sister as much as I can. I also really related to how she dealt with everything. I’ve been known to hide everything I’m feeling with weird humor. A lot of the times I know it’s not even funny, but it makes me feel better to say. To me that’s always the best type of characters, one where even the smallest detail is something I can relate to. As for Charlie, I really loved him as well. Not only is he a reader, but the simping for her took me out! Idk, I just think it’s so cute when dudes make it obvious that they love the MC. And he definitely did that. I stan a good simping love interest.

“That’s the thing about women. There’s no good way to be one. Wear your emotions on your sleeves, and you’re hysterical. Keep them tucked away where your boyfriend doesn’t have to tend to them, you’re a heartless bitch.”

The romance itself was cute too. But of course I’m going to say that. It was based in a bookish world. Like that library scene? Yeahhhh. I once wished that would happen to me lol But as with the others, this one isn’t fade to black, but it’s not super descriptive either. I’d say it’s more of a 2 on my romance scale. It gives some descriptors and some anatomy, but it’s never over the top, and it doesn’t happen too often.

“Straight men love bangs,” I say. “They make women approachable.” “Nothing more intimidating than a forehead. ” he agrees solemnly “

I did feel like the plot was a bit repetitive tho. But it was set in a small town so I could understand. There’s not much to do. But at the same time, I did appreciate the fact that Libby made the list to not only help her break out of her shell, but to also add some more dazzle to the story. I was glad the things on the list were wacky and weird enough to keep me laughing. It helped me not to notice it as much.

“Oh my god!” she cries. “It’s Nora Stephens fan fiction!” :Can it be called fan fiction if the author clearly isn’t a fan?” I say. “Has she sent you more? Does it get smutty? Lots of fanfiction gets smutty.” “Again,” I say, not fanfiction.”

And lastly, the writing style was always a pleasure. I love her writing. I was swept away into that small town and I loved being able to visit it in my imagination. I’ve never been to North Carolina, but this gave me a good idea of what it might be like. And just everything else, from the emotions that I felt because of her writing and connecting to it like I did, and the way I physically FELT the weights being lifted off her as the older sister in some places…. Its safe to safe I really enjoyed reading this. And not just because of the small Easter eggs that were in there.

“A good bookstore,” Charlie says, is like an airport where you don’t have to take your shoes off.”

I have to say I have no idea if she has another coming or even if she wants to write another adult book, but if so, I will be here to read it. I can’t wait to see what else she has in mind. Because let me tell you, whatever it is, I’m going to read it.

Overall, I give this

Take Me Away

Diverse Book Blogger. Diverse YA Librarian. Wonder Woman enthusiast. Bookish Blerd. "GryffinClaw" Geek extraordinaire. Pitbull mom. She/her