Book Boyfriend #8

 Book Boyfriend:

One of my favourite blogs The Unread reader came up with the ADORABLE idea of My book boyfriend. Basically every wednesday i tell you about which fictional boy im crushing on. If your interested in doing this on your blog go to the introduction post on The unread reader.
Today my book boyfriend comes from the beloved Shiver series. I waited to use him after Forever came out (even though I only read Shiver… I can’t find Linger anywhere in my hometown -_-) because I figured after reading it, everyone would be using him. But anyways, he took my heart in Shiver and I heard about him in Linger from a friend and other blogs, so he still sounds swoon worthy to me…
Facts about Sam:
  • Dark Brown Hair
  • 18
  • Yellow eyes
  • Species: Werewolf
  • Plays guitar
  • Reads poetry
  • Writes songs
  • He really is the sweetest thing ever
MY Sam Roth:
Ben Barnes

Ok so no one ( and I really mean no one) matched what I thought Sam would look like, so imagine Ben with yellow eyes and he was the closest I got…

Quotes to make you hold your heart and say “Awwww”
-“I fell for her in summer, my lovely summer girl,
From summer she is made, my lovely summer girl,
I’d love to spend a winter with my lovely summer girl,
But I’m never warm enough for my lovely summer girl,
It’s summer when she smiles, I’m laughing like a child,
It’s the summer of our lives; we’ll contain it for a while
She holds the heat, the breeze of summer in the circle of her hand
I’d be happy with this summer if it’s all we ever had.”
Sam: I could still smell her on my fur. It clung to me, a memory of another world.
I was drunk with it, with the scent of her. I’d got too close.
The smell of summer on her skin, the half-recalled cadence of her voice, the sensation of her fingers on my fur. Every bit of me sang with the memory of her closeness.
Too close.
I couldn’t stay away.

-“Counter Girl (in candy shop): You two are cute. Seriously. How long have you been going out?
Sam: Six years.”

Take Me Away

Diverse Book Blogger. Diverse YA Librarian. Wonder Woman enthusiast. Bookish Blerd. "GryffinClaw" Geek extraordinaire. Pitbull mom. She/her