Book Blogger Hop: Trick or Lit?!

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Would you consider giving out books to trick or treaters instead of candy?

I have before! But through work. As far as at home, not really. Last year the only kids that came to the house were younger kids. I probably have a total of 3 picture books here at my house that are just here at the house. But as a librarian, I’m sure if any teen coms to my house looking for a book or even a recc, I’d gladly give it to them!

What about you? Would you give out books to unsuspecting kids that came to your house? Let me know in the comments!

One thought on “Book Blogger Hop: Trick or Lit?!

  1. That’s awesome! I would love to do this but it’s so costly. Plus we usually get a variety of ages at our door from toddler to high schoolers. So it’s just more costly when you get down to it. I guess if you limit it to a certain age group and only have a select number of books. But candy is just cheaper and easier! Lol.

    Here’s my BBH

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

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