Book Blogger Hop: Staying on Top of It!

How do you keep track of books you will be reviewing or reading?

I have two different answers….. So for reading, I keep a spreadsheet. I start working on it like in September of the year before. I update it every couple months or so. It normally works really well, but this year….. Yeah, things have changed. I also have a TBR cart. If I have a physical ARC or HC, I put them there and if I choose that book throughout the month, I just pick it from there. As for reviewing, I just use Goodreads. I’m pretty good about keeping up with my reviews (because getting behind would mean no post lolol) so it’s not really an issue with me. Another thing I use is my notebook with quotes and stuff in it. I write most of my review points in those notebooks just to be on the safe side. I keep that info there so I know what still needs to be reviewed and what I will write about. I read so much that sometimes the stories start blending. I don’t wait very long before starting my next book and sometimes I finish my book in a place other than home, so it’s helpful to have all this information written down somewhere where I won’t forget.

And now you know my whole blogging life story…. lol Do you think it’s complicated? What about you and your system? How do you keep track of books you will be reading? How do you keep track of books you’ll be reviewing? Is your system complicated like mine? Let me know in the comments!

Take Me Away

Diverse Book Blogger. Diverse YA Librarian. Wonder Woman enthusiast. Bookish Blerd. "GryffinClaw" Geek extraordinaire. Pitbull mom. She/her