Summer often means more time for reading. Do you have a list of books you’re eager to start reading during June’s warm days? Do you have a summer reading goal?
I don’t have any that I SAVED for this month. I actually just read books as they’re released. I try to make sure that they’re seen right before their release so people don’t “forget” about them. Anyway, I do have a summer reading goal, that’s just to make sure I complete my summer reading program. I have a bad habit of signing up for them and then forgetting to log the books I read. (When I said librarians are the worst customers, I wasn’t lying smh lol) Completion of the SRP program is 30 books or 300 points. (I couldn’t decide if I wanted to use the time I spent reading or the time of the audiobook when I was using minutes so I don’t even try anymore. I just go by number of books now.)

What about you? Do you participate in your summer reading program? Let me know in the comments!