Book Blogger Hop: Reading Goals for 2021!

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What are your reading goals for 2021?

Read 75 books.: This is my lowest reading goal in YEARS. But with new baby coming, I don’t know how things are going to go. I’m hoping to still get by on audiobooks, but if I do solely audio, that means I’m losing my review books.
Find a healthy balance to read with new baby. : I want to read while he’s sleeping, but I also know I will have to sleep while he does. I have to find a balance that I’m sure I won’t figure out until he gets here!
Be more vocal!: I’ve been recc-ing Diverse Books for SO LONG, but I often feel like I’m not heard. Like I rec them to people IRL, I recc them to people via the blog, and I buy them for work, and one of the things I do for work is make sure they’ve been seen or heard about to the librarians across my library system. But in the blogger world, I feel like no one hears me. I think its because I’m old school and of course use Instagram and Twitter, but not Reels or BookTok, and I’m hardly on anymore. This year I want to try doing it more. Especially while I’m out on maternity leave. (It could also just be society that’s not listening, but who knows)
Be more creative: This kind of stems off what I said in the last goal. I have been trying to do more, but its hard to be creative right now when I can barely concentrate on my book for more than a few sentences.

What about you? What are your goals? Do any resemble mine? Let me know in the comments!

Take Me Away

Diverse Book Blogger. Diverse YA Librarian. Wonder Woman enthusiast. Bookish Blerd. "GryffinClaw" Geek extraordinaire. Pitbull mom. She/her