Do you watch film adaptions of books before reading them?
I normally try to, but sometimes I’m just not interested in reading it for some reason so I’ll watch the movie. (Girl with the Dragon Tattoo which I fell asleep on anyway) or sometimes I’ll hear about it afterward and then want to read it. There were a couple like that on Netflix. If it’s not MG or YA, I don’t always know about it and I usually watch it with no second thought. MG and YA on the other hand, I have to stay on trend with those because of work, so I normally know what to avoid because it was a book first. Or sometimes I might have tried reading the book and DNFed it and low and behold, there is a movie of it,=. (School of Good and Evil) This is sometimes bad tho because I also have FOMO and if everyone is talking about how good it is and I can’t watch it because I haven’t read it, I might sometimes just say forget the book lol

What about you? Have you ever watched a movie without reading the book? Let me know in the comments!
Oh yes, there have been movies of books where I think it looks entertaining but since the book didn’t appeal to me, I end up passing altogether! I’m still sitting on pins and needles waiting for more word about Meg Cabot’s “Jenny Carroll’s” Mediator series which Netflix was supposedly making into a movie…but then Covid happened and I’ve no idea where things are at.
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Have a GREAT day!
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