What genre do you refuse to read and why?
Historical fiction. It’s not that I refuse to read it, because I’ve read some here and there. I just don’t really enjoy it, so it just makes no sense for me to try reading it a lot because I know I don’t care for it. 8 times out of 10 it’s going to result in a DNF for me and there’s just too many other books I could be spending my time on. If that makes sense at all…

What about you? What genres will you not read? Let me know in the comments!
Totally makes sense! That’s pretty much why I avoid contemporary reads, I know it won’t hold my interest. I’ve read a few historical fiction books myself, but they usually have a paranormal element or a strong mystery element. Something like Stalking Jack the Ripper! Which I don’t know if that could be call “historical YA fiction” since it’s just set in the past. I guess those are the books that will draw my eye, just a “historical setting.”
Here’s my BBH
Have a GREAT day!
Old Follower 🙂
Yes! I LOVED the SJTR series. But I tried reading some just straight historical fiction and I couldn’t get into. The only time I really could finish a HF book was when the event in history that the book was about was SUPER interesting. But a lot of the times they’re always about the same things. My next try is historical romance. And if that doesn’t work, Idk what will.