Do you prefer to leave book jackets on or off while reading?
LOL Right now it doesn’t really matter because I don’t know the last time I’ve read a hardcover book lol But when I do, if it’s my own, I take the cover off. If it’s the library’s I put my cloth book cover on it. I don’t like the sounds it makes and I don’t like how they slide all over the place when you’re reading. Now my mom is someone who will read it and keep it on because she uses the flaps for bookmarks. Makes me want to kill her, but she’s my mom soooo lol

What about you? Is your answer different? Let me know in the comments!
I tend to leave mine on myself, though if it’s one that’s “slippery” and shifts every time I turn a page, I will take it off and set it aside while I’m reading. Then I will put back on when I’m done for the day.
Here’s my BBH
Have a GREAT day!
Old Follower 🙂
For me it depends on the dust jacket itself. If it’s really nice (or white) I will take it off to keep it getting dirty/bent. I need to look up some cloth book covers because they sound lovely and pragmatic.