Book Blogger Hop: Blog Headers!

What is the significance of your blog header?

Ok, so mine is my blog name. In the picture it describes my blog name. My blog is named this because I hardly went anywhere as a child that wasn’t free. We went on vacation to Huntsville, Tx because my grandpa was there. I had never been on an airplane until I was in college. I had been out the state, but only for a family funeral. And it was just to the next state over. So basically, I did literally all my traveling without my family, by way of a book. And so this picture describes how everytime I open a book, I can go to Paris, to the mountains, to a beach, anywhere. That’s why the setting is always a big deal to me and I’ve always been keeping track of what the setting is. Because I always look at the details and see all the things they mention and envision myself there.

This also makes me want to bring back a thing I used to do, called Boats, Planes, & Trains, where I take some of the small details from the book and put what I envisioned and then look up the real location and then see what people have said about it. If it was a fictional place, I would just put what I envisioned and see if other people agreed lol Or if the setting is never fully described or said, I would just use the little bits that they did give. Like where some of the stories take place. Like if something significant happens at an ice cream parlor, I would just use a generic one. But if they say a name with it and then I Google it and see that it’s not a real place, I could use any pic. But if I see that it’s real on Google, I can use that pic and talk about it. I feel like this is a shit explanation, but I wasn’t supposed to go this much into something that has nothing to do with the question anyway lol

What about you? Does yours have any significance to your blog title? Did you design it like I did mine? Have you changed it over the years? Let me know in the comments!

One thought on “Book Blogger Hop: Blog Headers!

  1. I always liked your header! It’s true, books take you anywhere and everywhere! I love visiting new places! I had read a few books based in Charleston, SC before I saved up enough to go there myself for a book event. It is so cool when you get to visit a real life place after reading about it!

    Here’s my BBH

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

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Diverse Book Blogger. Diverse YA Librarian. Wonder Woman enthusiast. Bookish Blerd. "GryffinClaw" Geek extraordinaire. Pitbull mom. She/her