Do you like to annotate your books or leave them untouched?

Please ignore this picture. It’s terrible. I just thought this would be easier to get the answer from lol

What about you? Do you also annotate? What’s your process? Let me know in the comments!
Hee hee! Nice! I think using sticky notes like this is a nice idea. Or do you also write in the book? I just can’t seem to bring myself to write in a book even in college I couldn’t bring myself to write in my textbooks that I bought. All those years of being told DO NOT WRITE IN THE BOOK got to me I guess! Lol.
Here’s my BBH
Have a GREAT day!
Old Follower 🙂
I do write in them, but only IF they are ARCs. Otherwise I won’t. I even get weird about putting the tags on the outside.