Book Blogger Challenge Day 7: Blogging quirks!

15 Day Book Blogger Challenge | Good Books And Good Wine
Since this is such a cool idea, let’s thank April for doing this! Big props to her. She’s at Good Books, Good Wine and she made the entire thing up!) I know you would like to participate too! There will be a sign up on each day of the challenge. (Sign up here for the seventh challenge!)

Talk about your blogging quirks.

  • On Mondays and Tuesdays (those are my off days) I try to get all my posts for the week done. Unless they’re reviews. If they are I put the book’s info and then leave it saved under draft. 
  • I can’t just sit there and blog… My attention span is too short to just do one thing. I have to either have 3,000 tabs open or a book and every so often take a break and read. 
  • I will read over a post about 3 times before posting it. And as soon as I do, I will find something I need to change -__- 
  • I try to post everyday because I am a growing blog, but at the same time if I don’t post everyday, I’m not going to lose sleep over it. 
  • I blog for enjoyment. Because I love reading and telling people about what I read. This is NOT a job.
  • I will normally accept review request for independent authors, but as you can see I am a MG/YA/NA book blog. DO NOT send me a request for erotica (yes this has happened before) or adult titles. I WILL ignore you.
  • I normally have the same 4 tabs open: Blogger (sometimes its open twice), Twitter, Goodreads, and Google in case I have to look up something. 
What are some of your Blogging quirks?!


One thought on “Book Blogger Challenge Day 7: Blogging quirks!

  1. I have 8 tabs open right now so obviously I like them a lot too. 😛 I agree with your attitude about blogging. This isn't my job (I don't have one :() this is just something I do for fun so I refuse to stress about it. Just enjoy conversing with fellow book bloggers.

    This is completely random, but I love your blog title just because it reminds me of Natasha Bedingfield's Pocketful of Sunshine when she sings that line. Love it so I have a new tab open now to listen to it. 😉

    -P.E. @ The Sirenic Codex

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