Book Blogger Challenge Day 12: Blogger Fatigue!

15 Day Book Blogger Challenge | Good Books And Good Wine
Since this is such a cool idea, let’s thank April for doing this! Big props to her. She’s at Good Books, Good Wine and she made the entire thing up!) I know you would like to participate too! There will be a sign up on each day of the challenge. (Sign up here for the twelfth challenge!)

How do you fight blogger fatigue?

     I don’t normally get blogger fatigue  I LOVE blogging. It’s really fun to me. On the flip side, I DO get in reading slumps sometimes. Those mainly happen when I read a book I loved and I’m not ready to leave that world yet. I battle that by going back and reading the parts that I loved. I also tend to get in book slumps when I’m just not in the mood for a certain read and  in turn everything I pick up is chucked to the side. I battle that by choosing a book I’m in the mood for and reading that until I get through that mood. It’s normally some romance that I’m looking for, so if it has some bam in your face romance, I’m all for it lol 

Do you get blogger fatigue or in reading slumps?
How do you handle it?

2 thoughts on “Book Blogger Challenge Day 12: Blogger Fatigue!

  1. I sometimes get into reading slump and totally understand the feeling where everything you pick up, you read a chapter and nothing is getting through and nothing is enjoyable. Great response 😀

    Day 11 & 12 Book Blogger Challenge

  2. Your struggles sound similar to mine. If I absolutely LOVED a book it usually sticks with me and while I'm on a high with that book, it also makes every other book I pick up pale in comparison–which can in turn be discouraging. Like you said, it's times like that I just grab whatever is calling to me and read until the funk has passed! Great post!

    Thanks for stopping by earlier!
    Sandy @ Somewhere Only We Know

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