Book Banging: Sci-Fi Guys!!!!

Book Bangin’ is a feature hosted by Kelly @ Belle of the Literati where, once a month, we talk about hot boys in books!

This month we’re talking about those epic guys in 


from These Broken Stars by Amie Kaufman
& Megan Spooner

“But she’s here, she’s mine. I’m hers.” 

Tarver was so very sweet! And there was so much that happened to him out there on that planet! I chewed off all my fingers worrying about him while I was reading this! 

from Scarlet by Marissa Meyer

“But you’re the only one, Scarlet. You’ll always be the only one.” 

We all know that I ADORE this series, but I also adore Wolf. He is badass and sweet all rolled in one. I mean let’s be real… He says things like that quote AND he’s a street fighter. He’s like the ultimate bad book boy! 

from All Our Yesterdays by Cristin Terrill

“How long have I loved Finn? It crept up on me so gradually, I don’t know if I can even pin the moment down.” 

This book was a super crazy ride. And in the middle of it Finn was all the one that was there the entire way. He helped out a lot, especially where Em was concerned. They conquered a huge feat together and still found each other. I loved that! 

And last but DEFINITELY not least….Here’s my 

Hottie of the Month!

Faking Normal
from Faking Normal by Courtney Stevens!
     This one doesn’t release until the end of this month so I won’t add any quotes, but just know that he is amazing! He’s broken just as much as Alexi is and trust me when I tell you, its really tragic what they go through. Bodee is very sweet and very patient. He helped Alexi out even when she shut the rest of the world out! He is also very, very cute! 

Take Me Away

Diverse Book Blogger. Diverse YA Librarian. Wonder Woman enthusiast. Bookish Blerd. "GryffinClaw" Geek extraordinaire. Pitbull mom. She/her