Blog Tour: Dive in to Siren’s Song by Heather McCollum!

     With summer fast approaching I am in the mood for a really good story set next toa body of water. Add sirens to that and it’s even better. And so when I saw Siren’s Song, I jumped at the chance to be apart of the tour! So without further ado, here’s Heather McCollum with her inspiration behind Siren’s Song! 

Everyone! I’m so happy to be here today in honor of my first Young Adult
release, SIREN’S SONG! SIREN’S SONG is a contemporary, paranormal romance,
which takes place in the suburban town of Summit, North Carolina. The town, the
high school, and the characters are modeled after people in my real life.
is a quick blurb about the book:
Welsh can sing. She enthralls people with her bel canto voice. But it takes more than practice to reach her level
of exquisite song; it takes siren’s blood running through her veins.
is starting her senior year at Cougar Creek High when her relatively normal
world begins to resemble a rollercoaster flying through a carnival scare house.
Her mother is diagnosed as insane and committed, a psycho-stalker is snapping
pictures of her to put into his homemade Jule-shrine, her voice is suddenly
putting people into comatose trances, oh and the gorgeous new guy in town, Luke
Whitmore, is interested in her . . . but also wants to kill her.
have written nine adult, historical paranormal romances, but this is my very first
Young Adult book. So why the switch? When my pre-teen daughter started asking
to read my books I had to say no because they were “rated R” as I put it. Of
course now that she’s getting old enough to read them,
she won’t. The thought of reading something with even one love scene in it that
her mom wrote is “just creepy” – LOL!
back when she first asked, I started thinking about writing Young Adult romance.
At the time, she and I were both reading the Twilight saga and loving it. Budding
love and desire war with blood lust, making a huge conflict. And every great
story needs a roaring bonfire of a conflict.
though I don’t write about vampires and werewolves, SIREN’S SONG has the same
dangerous attraction between the hero and heroine. Luke is drawn to Jule,
physically but also on a magical level. She is his one and only siren, his soul
mate. Yet, due to forces beyond the natural, the more he grows to love her, the
more he’s compelled to kill her. Will love win out or will darkness? Will
Jule’s trust in true love save her from the ultimate sacrifice?
agent e-mailed me as she neared reading the end of the first draft of SIREN’S
SONG. She couldn’t fathom how things would work out happily ever after. That’s
exactly what I was going for <Cheshire cat smile>.
that my daughter has grown into being a teenager, I have inspiration everywhere:
her friends, attitudes, snarky comments, and fresh perspectives. Living with a
teen helps pull back all the memories of my own high school years too. The teen
years are full of drama and spirit. Add a spark of magic and the whole thing
explodes into one hell of a bon fire. Luckily, I also have two other younger
kids, my youngest being only seven years old. So I have many years left of
inspirational sparks sitting right under my roof.
dedicated SIREN’S SONG to my oldest daughter as she truly has been an
inspiration for its conception and my split writing personality. She even stars
in the book trailer:
Song Book Trailer Link
. I think sometimes adults forget
how valuable a fresh perspective and questioning mind can be. Having said that,
I’m rather fortunate to be reminded almost daily that I really don’t know
everything (or anything from a teen’s perspective : ) . Thank you, Skye, for
being my inspiration.
pull up a log, grab a marshmallow, and sit down to enjoy the roaring bon fire
Song at Amazon
Song at B&N
– what inspires you? Friends, family, a book series, a hero in your real life?
I’d love to hear.”

Heather McCollum
more information about Heather McCollum and her books, please visit her web
site at
She can also be found on Twitter at
and on FB at

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Diverse Book Blogger. Diverse YA Librarian. Wonder Woman enthusiast. Bookish Blerd. "GryffinClaw" Geek extraordinaire. Pitbull mom. She/her