Beyond the Book: #TBTBSanta

This bookish feature is an original by me! I had the epiphany for this the other day when I was writing out my 15 bookish confessions. (See #7) A lot of times I like to go “beyond the book” and do something that will connect me with the book and characters a little more. It will pop up on Mondays! Be on the look out for which books caught my eye and made me go beyond just reading it! 
     This year I celebrated Christmas with the ladies from the Broke and the Bookish by particiapting in their Secret Santa gift exchange between bloggers! I’ve never done anything like this before, so it was new experience, but it was SO. FUN. The person I was given I had never heard of before and I was happy to get someone that I didn’t already know! The person that chose me turned out to be someone I actually followed before #TBTBSanta even started lol The person who got me (who I didn’t find out until I got the gift) basically got me down to a science! Here’s what I got from Lori over at Writing my Own Fairy Tales!
     When I opened the box I was beginning to get excited because I LOVED just the tissue paper lol It was my favorite color and I was so happy that she took the time out to do just that little part.
     After getting past the pretty paper, (I couldn’t take a pic of them wrapped… I was running back to work…) here’s all the gifts I was given! The books were: The Dream Thieves by Maggie Stiefvater (!!!) and as you know I just finished the first book in this series, so I’m definitely excited to read this one! Then Alice in Zombieland, I’ve heard so much about Cole from Book Rock Betty, that I needed to meet him for myself! I want to start this one soon! She also included two books that have been on my wishlist FOREVER! In Honor by Jessi Kirby because y’all know I love a good contemp and Pretty Girl-13 because y’all also know I love a good thriller! Also included were a really cute bracelet, my very favorite snack to eat while reading (Sour Patch kids) some buttons, a very cute Christmas card, some sticky tabs that I LOVE and have already used, and more candy!
     The reason I say she knocked it out of the park though, was because of course the books, but the goodies she included made me cry. I put on my about me thing that I was a huge Harry Potter fan and I would love anything that had to do with the library because I am in school for Library Science. She found a way to combine the two and I opened it and literally cried.
It says, “When in doubt, go to the library.” And it even has a little book in the center! It is so adorable you guys! I wore it to my second shift at work again lol
And last but not least, the Wonder Woman buttons she gave me! If you don’t know, I’m a HUGE fan of Wonder Woman (the animated character, the one from the comic book, AND Lynda Carter!!!) and I collect anything with her on it. This definitely made me cry some more.
     To Lori, as I told you on Twitter, the day i received this package I wasn’t having that great a day. But your gift put me in such a better mood! Thank you so much, it really meant a lot to me!
So, who else participated in The Broke and Bookish Santa?!
What did you get? 
Post Your links in the comments! 
Have you ever had such a connection with a book that you had to go beyond just reading it? 

Join me on Mondays with Beyond the Book! 



Take Me Away

Diverse Book Blogger. Diverse YA Librarian. Wonder Woman enthusiast. Bookish Blerd. "GryffinClaw" Geek extraordinaire. Pitbull mom. She/her