Beyond the Book! A new feature from Take Me Away!

This bookish feature is an original by me! I had the epiphany for this the other day when I was writing out my 15 bookish confessions. (See #7) A lot of times I like to go “beyond the book” and do something that will connect me with the book and characters a little more. This week will be my first one. It will continuously pop up on Mondays! Be on the look out for which books caught my eye and made me go beyond just reading it!  
Unbreak My Heart
     My first beyond the book post will go to: Unbreak my Heart by Melissa C. Walker. 
     For a short time on the 4th of July before the fireworks I was at home reading this book. I got to a part in the book where they were setting sparklers off together as a family. At this point in the book, things are beginning to turn around for Clem as she realizes that she feels for James more than just friendship. Here is the scene that caught my attention: 
     “James waves his green stick around like a sword, while Olive draws flowers in the air with hers. Mom and Dad touch theirs together in a patriotic toast, but I just keep mine still, watching the pink sparkles effervesce, burning down to the bottom.
     When we’re done, Olive cheers “Happy Fourth of July!” and James gives her a high five. 
     I love how nice he is to her.”
-pg. 139 (ARC)
     Growing up in a household where my mom decorated for every holiday (yes the 4th, Valentine’s Day, and even just Mardi Gras), holidays with my family have become a big part of my life. Seeing as I stay about two hours away from  my mom and dad, two sisters, and all my aunts and uncles (on both sides), it gets hard when I can’t make it home. I have to depend on my friends as well as my boyfriend to help get me through the times I can’t get back to them. 
     This scene touched me because throughout the book Clem is feeling so depressed due to a huge situation from her past. Even still she was able to cherish that time with her family and even invite and accept someone else into her family that night. And this year, that was ultimately what I had to do with my friends out here. 
     I didn’t get to go home for the 4th of July due to work, so the best I could do was go with my boyfriend to his house with his family. But then my coworker fell ill and was admitted into the hospital and I had to pick up extra shifts so there was no way I could go with him. I ended up being alone the entire weekend. I must admit it was pretty rough. But on the day of the 4th, I got a text message from a friend. He said they were having a small barbecue at his apartment’s pool and that I should come. I started to say no and wallow at home, but I decided it couldn’t hurt anything. I bought hot dogs and buns and a book and a few Strawberryrittas and I was actually very comforted. We ended up watching the fireworks and I went and bought sparklers. We did the sparklers together and it felt amazing. These people accepted me as their family, even when none of us had any type of relation. 
     So, the book helped me realize that even though I wasn’t with my real family, I was still here with another part of my family. As I said in my review, “this book drives home the definition of friendship and love,” and it certainly did for me. 
Here are a couple images of my sparklers and some fireworks I saw this year: 


So, have any of you connected to a book so deeply it made you write a separate post about it? Join me on Mondays or tell me in the comments! 

Take Me Away

Diverse Book Blogger. Diverse YA Librarian. Wonder Woman enthusiast. Bookish Blerd. "GryffinClaw" Geek extraordinaire. Pitbull mom. She/her