The Beginning of After by Jennifer Castle

E-Book, 254 pgs
September 6th,2011
Source: NetGally**

Sixteen-year-old Laurel’s world changes instantly when her parents and brother are killed in a terrible car accident. Behind the wheel is the father of her bad-boy neighbor, David Kaufman, whose mother is also killed. In the aftermath of the tragedy, Laurel navigates a new reality in which she and her best friend grow apart, boys may or may not be approaching her out of pity, overpowering memories lurk everywhere, and Mr. Kaufman is comatose but still very much alive. Through it all, there is David, who swoops in and out of Laurel’s life and to whom she finds herself attracted against her better judgment. She will forever be connected to him by their mutual loss, a connection that will change them both in unexpected ways.
The book was about a girl moving on after her parents die in a horrible car accident. I felt kind of detatched from the main character because she didn’t seem that sad to me, but I realize that all people mourn different so I couldn’t really blame this on the author. Also, I’m not sure about how I feel about the story… I feel like sometimes it felt kind of monotone at times. I expected it to be a tear jeker throughout the entire story, but weirdly I did not cry once. I know my emotions must be out of wack… I heard it was being compared a lot to “If I Stay” by Gayle Foreman which is one of my favorite books, but it wasn’t really like it at all except for the car accident. Well to me anyways. But still I wanted to know how the story would end so I kept reading. I did enjoy the book though, regardless of what it may seem like. I also really enjoyed the cover. That was one of the other reasons I chose to request it from NetGalley. I also eally enjoyed the other characters, like David. I was more in thouch with his form of mourning (minus the pot smoking lol) so I was able to identify with him better I think.

**FTC Disclosure: I received this egalley from NetGalley. I do not receive payment of any kind in exchange for a review. I do not receive monetary compensation from any book links in my review.

Overall, I give this *** (3 out of 5)

One thought on “The Beginning of After by Jennifer Castle

  1. When I first heard about this book I immediately thought of Leaving Paradise. I love Leaving Paradise, so, of course, I wanted to read this book. I never thought to compare it with If I Stay. I like the cover, too.

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