Hardcover, 464 pages
Release Date: September 28, 2021
Published by: Delacorte Press
Read from: September 28- October 4, 2021
A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder, #3
Source: Bought
TW: Murder, Violence, Mention of Sexual Assault, Mention of Killed Animal
For Readers Interested In: Mysteries, Thrillers, Podcasts, True Crime, Series, Series Ender, Sparkly Covers, YATHE NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLING SERIES
The highly-anticipated finale to the A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder series, the instant bestsellers that read like your favorite true crime podcast or show. By the end of this mystery series, you’ll never think of good girls the same way again…
Pip is about to head to college, but she is still haunted by the way her last investigation ended. She’s used to online death threats in the wake of her viral true-crime podcast, but she can’t help noticing an anonymous person who keeps asking her: Who will look for you when you’re the one who disappears?
Soon the threats escalate and Pip realizes that someone is following her in real life. When she starts to find connections between her stalker and a local serial killer caught six years ago, she wonders if maybe the wrong man is behind bars.
Police refuse to act, so Pip has only one choice: find the suspect herself—or be the next victim. As the deadly game plays out, Pip discovers that everything in her small town is coming full circle . . .and if she doesn’t find the answers, this time she will be the one who disappears. . .
Well, I was not expecting this book to go the way it did. This was definitely different than all the others. But I daresay it was my favorite one? I was a bit nervous at one point, but I don’t know why. I knew that Holly Jackson could do no wrong.
Pip is on her way to college but she’s been getting death threats from an anonymous person. But things start to escalate. But Pip knows from the past that the police won’t do anything about it, so she takes matters into her own hands. But how will it all end?
With books like this I always wonder if the author always knows how the entire series will end or if they go book by book. Because listen, I knew that Pip was getting dark and things were looking grim, but I did not think it would be like this. *side eye* Pip’s character arc has now hit the crest, but even after finishing reading it, I don’t think it ever goes down. Or at least that’s what I felt lol Once things started going on, they never stopped. I was biting my nails the entire time. Pip was a bomb character and I loved seeing her grow. Even if it was scary lol
But even though I loved the book, there was something I didn’t care for. Y’all know I’m not a fan of books with drugs, and this one was full of it. She got it honestly, but then when she was abusing them, I liked it less. The only reason I finished reading it was because I was already so invested. In the entire story. If this was anything less than the last book in the series I probably wouldn’t have. But I was not very excited about this lol
As for the mystery, I loved it. I thought it was a bit weird that the culprit was revealed so early, but once you keep reading and see all the other “things” that happen, you will understand. I was not prepared for it. Even though I thought I was. So I’m here to tell you… Whatever you think is happening, yeah that’s not it. It’s Holly Jackson. I need to know what else she has coming for us.
As a whole this series was so good. If you haven’t read this before, I highly recommend it. I hate that this is the last book in the series, but it was good while it lasted. There’s nothing like a good mystery to hook you into a good read. So if you’re having doubts, DON’T! Put this on your TBR now!
Overall, I give this