Another Little Piece by Kate Karyus Quinn

e-ARC, 272 pages
Release Date: June 11, 2013
Published by: HarperTeen
Source: Edelweiss (This galley was given to me in exchange for a just and honest review.)
For fans of: Paranormal, Thriller, Mystery, YA, Sparkly Covers

     The spine-tingling horror of Stephen King meets an eerie mystery worthy of Sara Shepard’s Pretty Little Liars series in Kate Karyus Quinn’s haunting debut.
     On a cool autumn night, Annaliese Rose Gordon stumbled out of the woods and into a high school party. She was screaming. Drenched in blood. Then she vanished.
     A year later, Annaliese is found wandering down a road hundreds of miles away. She doesn’t know who she is. She doesn’t know how she got there. She only knows one thing: She is not the real Annaliese Rose Gordon.
     Now Annaliese is haunted by strange visions and broken memories. Memories of a reckless, desperate wish . . . a bloody razor . . . and the faces of other girls who disappeared. Piece by piece, Annaliese’s fractured memories come together to reveal a violent, endless cycle that she will never escape—unless she can unlock the twisted secrets of her past.

     Normally I wouldn’t post something more than two or three days ahead of its publication date, but since I didn’t finish this one, I’m going to go ahead and post it. 
     For the longest time I was super excited about this. I made it to half way through and I just couldn’t do it anymore. I’m most disappinted because I wanted to enjoy this. Especially when in the synopsis it mentions Stephen King, one of my favorite authors. Maybe when it comes out I’ll give it another try, but for right now, I just can’t get into it.
     I didn’t like the sub chapters and the awkward writing style was just really weird to me. Finally the only thing keeping me in the book was finding out what was really going on, but then even that didn’t appeal to me. 
     I can see from other reviews that I’m not the only one who struggled with this, but there were also other people who loved it. Give it a try and you be the judge! It wasn’t for me, but it doesn’t mean that its not for you either!

Overall, I give this

One thought on “Another Little Piece by Kate Karyus Quinn

  1. Ah, I'm sorry to hear it was so disappointing! Sometimes, a writing-style just doesn't work for you. I hope your next read is better!


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