e-Audio, 09:41:23
Narrated by: Andrew Eiden
Release Date: November 1, 2022
Published by: Books on Tape
Read from: October 31- November 1, 2022
Bromance Book Club, #5
Source: PRH Audio (I received the audio copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for a just and honest review. This did nothing to influence my review.)
TW: Physical Abuse, Domestic Abuse (Bro/Sis), Toxic Family Relationship, Mentions of Deportation and Classicism
For Readers Interested In: Realistic Fiction, Contemporary Romance, Holidaze, Adult‘Tis the season for a Bromance Book Club matchmaking mission! This time, they’re pulling out the mistletoe for everyone’s favorite country music star, Colton, and his second chance at love.
Country music’s golden boy Colton Wheeler felt the most perfect harmony when he was with Gretchen Winthrop. But for her, it was a love him and leave him situation. A year later, Colton is struggling to push his music forward in a new direction. If it weren’t about to be the most magical time of year and the support of the Bromance Book Club, he’d be wallowing in self-pity.
It’s hard for immigration attorney Gretchen not to feel a little Scrooge-ish about the excess of Christmas when her clients are scrambling to afford their rent. So when her estranged, wealthy family reaches out with an offer that will allow her to better serve the community, she’s unable to say no. She just needs to convince Colton to be the new face of her family’s whiskey brand. No big deal…
Colton agrees to consider Gretchen’s offer in exchange for three dates before Christmas. With the help of the Bromance Book Club, Colton throws himself into the task of proving to her there’s a spark between them. But Gretchen and Colton will both need to overcome the ghosts of Christmas past to build a future together.
When I saw we were getting a book with a Christmas focus, I was so excited! Y’all know this series is my jam! No Colton wasn’t the hero I wanted, and no I did not like Gretchen at first, but I still had a lot of fun reading this.
Ok, so when I said I didn’t really want Colton as a hero…. it wasn’t because I don’t like him. It was more so because I still felt like he was too new. I wanted someone that was invested. I was wondering why the hell we never got Malcolm, but I’m thinking that question was answered in this story. He’s always the one with all the answers. I guess I wanted to see what type of conflict that would bring since he is the one that knows all. ANYWAY, back to Colton. He was super sweet. I just wish there were more music scenes with him. I hated that his slump was part of the plot. Because if there’s a book about a musician, I would expect it to be about music lol But still I understood why it had to happen. But Gretchen took a while to grow on me. Her attitude was terrible. I knew it was because she had something happen to her in the past, but it still made me not like her. She was over the top dramatic and she didn’t tell anyone anything. And y’all know that’s my pet peeve.
I did love the way the book was more in this book tho. The little excerpts that aligned with what was happening in the story is always my favorite part. So when they didn’t add that in the past few stories, I was a little upset. But this one is super sweet and not only did it go with the story, it also went with the season. It seemed to be Christmas in the story too. It sounded like a basic Hallmark Christmas movie, but for that reason I wanted the full length novel of it lol It sounded so good! Definitely something I could see myself reading/watching.
The plot of this was all over the place. Just when I thought I knew what was coming, I realized I had no idea. This was crazy! And here I was thinking there would be some musical influence on this too. But no. It was so much darker than what I was expecting. And listen, I have some weird ass people in my family, but she had some TERRIBLE people in hers. I’m talking I hated everyone. It was just all bad. It definitely made the plot unpredictable tho, and I loved that too.
The Bromance Book Club was there of course as ususal. I always love seeing how they help each other. And this one was no different. And I actually liked the advice they gave him this time. Usually I cringe, but this time I really though it was good advice. Like that time he threw her out? Yeah he could have done that a lot better than he did lol Now I did have to grapple with what they told him at the end (I wanted him to do exactly what he did, but I digress) but when I realized that the other person also realized they messed up, I was like ok, I’ll let everyone make it.
The setting of this book sounded beautiful tho. I wanted to see the snow and the Christmas trees and the food trucks! I don’t know if it’s because when I read this it was in the 80’s where I’m from or what, but Lordt I wanted to be in this book so bad. If nothing else so I could look around at everything. And of course for that Christmas party scene. I was swooning so hard lol Ugh it was so cute. Definitely my favorite part.
This wasn’t my favorite in the series, but I am still hella sad to see it go. I want more of this series. Like another branch or something. But the idea of men reading the manuals and using them for good and not mansplaining….. Ugh. I just want more. I know we get the Countess book, but I want another book-book. But even if this is the end, I can live with it. As long as I can get the Countess book in my hands in record time. Thanks and Goodnight lol
Overall, I give this