I know this is probably going to make some people think I’m weird, but I’m going to say it anyway. Horror gives me comfort. Comfort because I know I’ll never be in the position to get offed at Camp Crystal Lake or the house in Paranormal Activity, because I would never go or I would immediately move out. But really, I know that it’s because I’m actually very safe wherever I’m reading, but I can still experience the heart thumping, scary situation that I’m reading about. When I learned that, I agreed immediately. Because that’s exactly what it’s like for me.

Now I’m not the biggest fan of certain subgenres like body horror (because it’s too real for me? Like I HAVE A BODY so its directly opposite to the reason I like horror in the first place lmao) But I will STILL read it anyway. Especially when I hear that there’s revenge happening, like in The Eyes are the Best Part. I think I was able to read that one too because we knew who it was all the time and it wasn’t like it was happening to their body………..But even still, it was weird and I enjoyed it. I’m also not usually a fan of gothic horror since it’s usually like just the vibes and not usually super scary. And, most times the settings there are haunted. I read one that I really enjoyed just recently, This Cursed House. This one was crazy because it was more than just a haunted like house. The family and all the drama they had had me thinking it was THEM that was doing the haunting. I don’t know what I was expecting, but it wasn’t that lol
Usually my favorite type of horror is Slasher Horror. I know that’s completely random, especially since it’s a very real thing to be killed by a human who has lost it. A slasher is a subgenre of horror involving a killer or a group of killers stalking and murdering a group of people, usually by use of bladed or sharp tools. My favorite slasher of all time is actually a film, the 1978 Halloween. (I love that entire franchise, but I especially LOVE the Resurrection because it’s the most ridiculous lmao) I can literally recite it word for word. I watch it anytime throughout the year. I own pillows, the movies, hoodies, tshirts, a Loungefly and everything lol As for books, I have read so many this year and still want to read so many more. (Including the one that comes out in March 2025 from Bloomsbury 🙁 WHO DO I TALK TO? PLEASEEEEEEEEE!) There’s also Heads Will Roll that I’m going to read VERY soon, because I want to be listening to it on Halloween itself. (The graphic is all YA because I’m a YA librarian, so I make sure to read them all to know what to put on their scare or gore meters that I make for the librarians in my system.)

I’m also a huge fan of paranormal/supernatural horror. I think everyone can attest to how much I’ve been talking about Such Lovely Skin. And there’s actually ANOTHER from Bloomsbury, (SOMEONE TELL ME WHO TO EMAIL/CALL/CRY AT/SELL MY KIDNEY TO ETC) that sounds incredible, from Morris Award nominee, author Trang Thanh Tran. (Which btw their covers are all incredible!) It’s about VIETNAMESE SEA MONSTERS?! I also really enjoyed the book Ruin Road too because it made me think so much. Like what would you do in a situation like that? Especially when you weren’t even trying to wish ill will? That whole thing was crazy lol And Killer House Party was a good weird too. I loved the way it showed how gossip actually is. I’m serious, the book is like a bad game of telephone lol Everyone made up these damn stories, despite not knowing what actually happened, and then, WELL…………. And I just read two books that I absolutely loved, Incidents Around the House and The Unfinished. I don’t feel like enough people are talking about The Unfinished, so pleaseeeeeeeeee if you do read it or you have read it, hit me up so we can talk about it lol
Well……… This went from a Love Letter to Horror to me basically spilling my guts out. (Pun definitely INTENDED) So please, if you see this and I have sparked your interest in ANY of these, please, please PLEASE let me know which one you pick up. Or even if you’re just a little more interested in horror and want to pick up something that’s not listed here or outside of your comfort zone. I hope you find something that sparks some joy (or scaries) for you!
P.S. ……Bloomsbury YA I’m serious. If you’ve made it this far, how do I contact you to ask for ARCs of They Bloom at Night and How to Survive a Slasher?! I’m literally begging at this point. And I don’t care at all. Just tell me what you need. My first born is already here so he might put up a fight if you want him lol
P.P.S Other horror books I’m excited for: These Vengeful Wishes by Vanessa Montalban
Other Horror Books I’ve Read and Loved: I Was a Teenage Slasher by Stephen Graham Jones

What about you? Have you read any of these? Will you now? Do you like horror books or movies? Let me know in the comments!