A Dawn Most Wicked by Susan Dennard

E-Book, 150 pages

Release Date: June 4, 2013
Published by: HarperTeen Impulse
Something Strange and Deadly, #0.5
Source: Library
For fans of: Gothic, Horror, Romance, YA, Novellas/Short Stories, Ghosts
     Daniel Sheridan is an engineer’s apprentice on a haunted Mississippi steamer known as the Sadie Queen. His best friend–the apprentice pilot, Cassidy Cochran–also happens to be the girl he’s pining for … and the captain’s daughter. But when it looks like the Sadie Queen might get taken off the river, Daniel and Cassidy have to do whatever they can to stop the ghosts that plague the ship.
     Fortunately, there happens to be a Creole gentleman on board by the name of Joseph Boyer–and he just might be able to help them …


     At first I wasn’t going to write a review about this, (because it’s only a novella) but with me about to binge read the last two in this series, I thought it was only right. 
“I’ve never heard of huntin a spirit before. ‘Because I am the first to do it.’ I snorted. ‘Conveient.’
     I really liked Something Strange and Deadly when I read it with Epic Reads. So much so that I didn’t want to read the second book because I could already tell this was one of those series I did NOT want to wait forever for the ending. Now that the last one is coming out next week, I plan to read through these super quickly. 
“It is a shame… and yet those who dabble in black magic will always meet a tragic end.
     I liked this novella because it gave me some background on Daniel Sheridan. When I read Something Strange and Deadly I was super upset that there weren’t that many swoony moments in it. Well that were reciprocated anyways. And I couldn’t understand why. Eleanor was definitely a catch and Daniel was very smart and (from what I read) very good looking. But then I read this and I finally understood what the problem was. He was still in love with someone else. It was definitely heartbreaking seeing him lose that person that he loved. But with all that time that passed between them, I can only hope that they can pick things back up when they meet later on. 
“Necromancy and black magic will always end in death. Remember that.
     I also liked the plot. For this to be a novella, it was well thought out and well developed. And man, I the scares in this one were almost just as bad as the first. I think that’s what I loved about this one. For it to be only 150 pages, I learned a lot about a character and got one really great background on how the Spirit Hunters” were brought together. All while staying entertained. Not once did it feel like an info dump.
“You deserve a break,’ I growled. ‘Plus, I feel like smashing the hell out of something.’
     Susan Dennard did nothing but get me more excited to finish out this series. This small slice into Daniel’s life was just enough for me to know him and love him more! 
Overall, I give this

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