TTT: Top Ten Best/Worst Movie Adaptations

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. Each week we will post a new Top Ten list. Everyone is welcome to join.    

This week’s topic is:
Top 10 Best/Worst Movie Adaptations
*These are in no particular order.

Well since I’m not a huge fan of movie adaptations, I ALWAYS try to read the book first no matter what. This is obviously stopping me from seeing so many things as I didn’t become a YA reader until I read Twilight when the first movie came out… So, I guess I’m going to have to do something a little creative! 


1. Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief: Ok, let’s be real here…. This had to be one of the WORST movie adaptations of all time. There was so much missing out the book that I watched it once and never looked at it again. 

2. Twilight: The whole acting thing was obviously suck-tastic. And then the “spider monkey” comment. Ughhh that was just stupid. And then I was EXTRA mad because they changed Bella’s lullaby from Yiruma’s “River Flows in You” to whatever that dumb song was in the movie. 

3. Beastly: Ok, I didn’t really hear what everyone was saying about this, but I didn’t really like it. I fell asleep on the middle of it and haven’t watched it since…. 

4. To Kill a Mockingbird: One of my favorite books and one of my favorite movies. i love how the characters are portrayed in both. 

5. The Hunger Games: I was on pins and needles when this movie came out. I had to read the book twice before I liked it so the way they did the movie was a concern of mine. I watched it twice in theaters, once to compare it and then once to just enjoy it. And I LOVED every minute of it. 

6. The Last Song: After reading the book I was in TEARS. I finished it around 8pm in the living room and my mom thought I had gotten a call saying someone had died I was crying s hard. It was so overwhelming. After watching the movie I was the EXACT same way. They’re both so good!

7. Matilda: When I read Matilda I envisioned Miss. Trunchbull as a really big scary lady, Miss Honey as a very sweet lady, and Matilda as a very special gifted girl. And that was exactly what I got in the movie. Everyone was portrayed exactly right and I know this because my favorite part in the book was also my favorite part in the movie. Chocolate cake anyone? *winks*

8. All the Harry Potter movies: I mean come on! They were all good! 


9. Warm Bodies: I hadn’t heard of this book until I started blogging, but when I heard it was becoming a movie I knew I needed to get to reading. It sounds like it’d be a good book, but I’m not sure about a movie. That’s the only reason I’m hesitant to read it. I know I’ll want to watch it right afterwards and I don’t want to be let down. 
10. The Host: I wasn’t a huge fan of Breaking Dawn because I just thought it was entirely too long and it had too much “fluff” in it. So naturally when I saw how long The Host was…. I wasn’t too keen on reading it. But I’ve heard wonderful things about both and how its so different from the Twilight series and I MIGHT give it a try.

And then, just because I’m a little (maybe more than a little) excited lol Here’s the


1. The City of Bones: When I read this book I was fascinated by all the Downworlders that were in there. I can’t wait to see how Vampires, Fairies, and werewolves are portrayed on the big screen.

2. Catching Fire: As you can see, The Hunger Games is one of my favorites. I hope this one can join it on that list!

3. Divergent: Another one of my favorite books. Crossing my fingers it’ll be on my list of favorites. 

5 thoughts on “TTT: Top Ten Best/Worst Movie Adaptations

  1. I didn't mind Beastly (the movie) so much, in that I didn't fall asleep, but I found the book to be only so-so. And, if you think The Lightning Thief is the worst movie adaptation, you should see Eragon (on my list), or at least the first 20 minutes 🙂

  2. I <3 YOU!!!! YES! Agree- Twilight- I loved the books, and they ruined the crap out of those movies because of the horrid acting. I enjoyed the Percy film, but you're right- they left SO much out. And YAY for To Kill a Mockingbird!! And I agree with your final 3 films. I can't wait!!!

    Thanks for stopping by earlier!

    Jessica@Lovin' Los Libros

  3. I'm definitely seeing City of Bones. I hope the film does the book justice! I'm waiting to pass judgment on the casting until I've actually seen it…not a fan of Jamie whoever playing Jace, but maybe he'll surprise me. 🙂

    Great list!

  4. I'm SO EXCITED for City of Bones, Divergent, and Catching Fire! I think they all look great so far, and I'm excited to see what they do with them. I also want to see Warm Bodies, though I've never read the book. Great list(s)!

  5. Warms Bodies is SO good! I didn't read the book, so I don't know if it's similar or not. We share the same worst list!

    Thanks for stopping by 🙂

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