TTT: Books I Wish Could Have Had Sequels

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. Each week we will post a new Top Ten list. Everyone is welcome to join.    

This week’s topic is:
Top 10 Books I Wish Would’ve had Sequels!
*These are in no particular order.

Mine are more just to see what the characters are doing. It may be the main characters or just the secondary characters. So maybe not sequels, just companion novels lol In other words:

Eleanor and ParkThe Distance Between Us
1. Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell: The end was heart breaking. I wish we could see what happened to them in the long run. Maybe seeing what happens in 2013?
2. The Distance Between Us by Kasie West: At first there were a lot of people mad that Xander and Caymen were together. Including Caymen. In the end they finally got it together and had their HEA. I’d love to see how things are going for them now that they have everything in order. 
The Summer I Became a NerdHow My Summer Went Up in Flames
3. The Summer I Became a Nerd by Leah Rae Miller: At the beginning of the summer no one knew that Maddie was a nerd. No one even knew that she liked comic books. Until one day she meets Logan who doesn’t judge her and is the cause for her learning to be herself. I would love to see how Maddie is in full nerd-dom lol 
4. How My Summer Went Up in Flames by Jennifer Salvato Doktorski: I would love to see what her jerk of an ex boyfriend is doing now. I hope he got a crappy car after that. Also, I LOVED Rosie and her family. They were all so funny. I would love to just follow them around and laugh at them. 
5. Golden by Jessi Kirby: To avoid spoilers, I won’t go into detail about why I want to read a sequel about this. If you’ve read it, you will understand that I just want to see if THEY went anywhere. I also want to see what happened to Parker after the scholarship thing. 
6. Criminal by Terra Elan McVoy: I would love to see what happens to Bird since she really didn’t do anything. For fear of spoilers, I will only say this… I want to know what happens after the they’re released!
This Is What Happy Looks LikeSomething Like Normal
7. This is What Happy Looks Like by Jennifer E. Smith: I love how they found out what a whoopie pie is! But, I’d love to see how things are after Graham goes back to filming and Ellie goes to school. Are they still followed by the paparazzi 
8. Something Like Normal by Trish Doller: I would love to see how Travis is handling his PTSD now. As well as the “leaving” of his friend. (If you read it, you know what I mean…) 

Second Chance SummerThe Fault in Our Stars
9. Second Chance Summer by Morgan Matson: You guys, I need to see her future when she opens the envelopes. If you’ve read this, you know what envelopes I mean. It may be heart wrenching, but I would still love to see what he said. 
10. The Fault in Our Stars by John Green: I would love to see the rest of Hazel’s story. 
What books do you wish had sequels?!

12 thoughts on “TTT: Books I Wish Could Have Had Sequels

  1. I'm dying to know what happened to Hazel! (there's a really bad joke in that comment) Haha I feel like there is so much more to this story!

  2. It seems everyone has added TFIOS to their lists this week (I feel like I have it on my every list..), well after all it's a great novel. 🙂 Nice choices!

  3. I've only read The Fault in Our Stars and This is What Happy Looks Like, but agree I would like to see sequels to both. Though I think Hazel's story would probably still make me cray like a baby! Great list!

  4. The Distance Between Us *almost* made my list! I would love more from those characters. I'm not sure my poor heart could take anymore The Fault in Our Stars, though part of me does want to know what happened with Hazel.
    My TTT

  5. I liked the ending of Eleanor and Park, but I certainly wouldn't say no to more time with them!

  6. I'm so with you on The Distance Between Us, This is What Happy Looks Like, and The Summer I Became a Nerd!

  7. Yes, yes, yes to ELEANOR & PARK, THE FAULT IN OUR STARS, and THIS IS WHAT HAPPY LOOKS LIKE! And THE DISTANCE BETWEEN US is sitting on my shelf, just waiting to be read.

    Rachel @ Beauty and the Bookshelf

  8. Eleanor and Park, I so agree. That ending was so open ended, so many questions! Thanks for stopping by my post!

  9. The Fault in Our Stars made my list too. I would love to hear more of the story.

    New GFC follower

    My TTT.

  10. I really have to read Golden! Everyone is raving about it and I got to see what it's about for everyone to want a sequel.
    Thanks for stopping by my TTT! (:

  11. Gah! So many of those books that I still need to read! Second Chance Summer, Summer I Became a Nerd, HMSWUIF, Distance Between Us and E&P! The only one I've read is Golden and I completely agree!

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