Follow Friday: Look at all the pretties!

Feature & Follow is hosted by TWO hosts, Parajunkee’s View & Alison Can Read.    

The goal is to increase blog followers and make friends. Basically how it works is you follow them, they follow you. Win. Win. So looking forward to making new blogging friends & following blogs!
New Feature! This week’s question will be an Action! Give us a tour of your bookshelf.

Before you all look at these pictures, I’m not one for organizing my shelves. I put them where ever I have space. So if a semi organized mess makes you squeamish, you may not want to see my shelves lol  

This is a shelf that me and my mom share back at my home in Galveston. It has a mix of all things random on here. I even see a used Global Media textbook of mine lol Kissed by an Angel by Elizabeth Chandler is down there on the far left hand side. That was the first YA paranormal romance book I read after finishing Twilight. I see two books from the Percy Jackson series (my mother and sister have both taken the rest to read smh), I see Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater, Darkness Becomes Her by Kelly Keaton, and the unread (except by my mother) 50 Shades of Gray

This “shelf” is basically sitting on my windowsill. It’s for my favorites from high school. I’m missing most of my Harry Potter series because they all looked too ratty and disgusting from wear and tear wayyyyyyy too much use and my complete Twilight series (including the Bree Tanner novel) is right next to it. 

This shelf holds most of my middle grade. Also I have most of my paperbacks and a small amount of Hardbacks. I see Nevermore (that’s sadly never been read). Level 2, The Darkest Minds, and Just One Day. (Also which have never been read SMH) Then on the second shelf, I have the MI series (in paperback. My aunt is borrowing City of Bones before she goes to see the movie), The Beautiful and the Cursed, The Distance Between Us, and A Really Awesome Mess

This is the shelf you’ve probably seen more than a little bit lol I LOVE this shelf because all my trinkets are on it. On this shelf I have things like the Soul Screamers series, Tiger Lily, The Daughter of Smoke and Bone (unread), Shattered Souls(unread), and Everneath (unread). 

This is the bottom to the shelf pictured above. It has more of my paperbacks. I see The Story of Us, Unremembered, Strands of Bronze and Gold, my favoritest ARC ever SCARLET, and a well worn copy of The Weight of Souls

And this is sitting on the top of that shelf. I just finished listening to The Hunger Games and I started listening to Catching Fire… Which means I won’t have a reason NOT to read this very, very soon. I took it off the shelf to taunt me. It’s saying “READ ME NOW! DON’T FORGET ABOUT ME! YOU NEED TO FINISH THIS SERIES!!!” (Yes, its definitely screaming at me lol) 

I didn’t include my electronic shelves because I figured I’d be here FOREVER trying to take pics of everything. If you want to see my electronic shelves (even though they’re mostly filled with things I haven’t read, just let me know! 

What do you have sitting on your shelves?!

4 thoughts on “Follow Friday: Look at all the pretties!

  1. Love all your different pictures! The window one is my favorite. Hope you are enjoying Hunger Games! Old follower.

    Happy Friday!

  2. Hi Nikki – Great looking bookshelves. 😉 Thanks for stopping by my blog, Bittersweet Enchantment on Friday.

    Old follower and I must say your blog looks super cute!

    – Beckie

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Diverse Book Blogger. Diverse YA Librarian. Wonder Woman enthusiast. Bookish Blerd. "GryffinClaw" Geek extraordinaire. Pitbull mom. She/her