Top 10 Resolutions for 2014!

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. Each week we will post a new Top Ten list. Everyone is welcome to join.   

This week’s topic is:
Top Ten Resolutions for 2014!
*These are in no particular order. 

Well, I already did a separate post of my bookish resolutions, so here are those and more!

1. Posting reviews on ANY day. I used to do it only on Monday, Thursday, and Saturday, but now I can do it on any day. Because trying to fit all of the review books I have in those small number of days, I would never get to them. Maybe I can space them out with some every couple of days. 

2. More giveaways! I like to give things away to my followers. I appreciate y’all for reading what I have to say and because of that I’d like to reward y’all! I have one going on right now, you can find it here

3. I will read at least two books from genres that I claim that I don’t like. Those genres are: 
-Historical Fiction
-High fantasy

If you have any recommendations, let me know!!!!

4. Start my Take Me Away meme. It will show up when I find a book with some really great world-building and I will tell why I’d like to visit there.

5. Be more social. No more just promoting my blog posts on Twitter. I will actually spend time there and read and interact. Let’s hope work doesn’t interfere with this one!

6. Using ARC tours. I’ve joined two sites that have actually been really good to me and I appreciate them so much. They’ve taught me the importance of reading so much faster because I only get the book for a week. This makes my reading challenge so much easier to readch, 

7. I finished last year with 79 books. With the boyfriend being out of town for work so much this year, I will be able to read way more than that. This year I’m challenging myself to read 90!

8. Attend more author signings. 

9. Schedule more posts before they need to go up. Especially memes since they are easier. So far I’m doing good. I’ve gotten all my Wow’s and TTT’s done for the month all ready. I’ve also scheduled two more reviews… (But they’re for Feb. & March smh) 

10. Use my Photoshop more. I want to make more of my own graphics. I have it sitting on my computer, but I don’t know how to use it lol 

What about you? What are you trying to do this year?!

5 thoughts on “Top 10 Resolutions for 2014!

  1. Ooh nice! Seeing lots of people with so many different resolutions. Me, I kinda blanked on some!

    A good dystopian book that I loved was the Divergent trilogy! Loved it all from beginning to end! And one of the only Historical Fiction books I read years ago was The Historian by Elizabeth Kostava–think that's how you spell her last name. Another one I read for a bit before more paranormal books came out was Sarah Dunant. She had a few, maybe 3 books set in Italy and I ended up going there my senior year, so I think that's why I picked them up. They were pretty good.

    All those Historical ones were preblogging days for me!

    Here's my Tuesday post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

  2. Good goals. The genres you mention are some of my favorites. I suggest reading something that combines genres with something that you like to warm up to it. Jessica's recommendation of The Historian is one of my favorite books, it's great if you like paranormal. I would also recommend the Gemma Doyle Trilogy. For a more tradition Historical Fiction I suggest The Luxe series by Anna Godbersen. Hope you find some that you like!

    Cassi @ My Thoughts Literally

  3. That is impressive that you've got some posts scheduled so far ahead! I usually end up writing mine the day of… 🙂 I'm so not a high fantasy girl, either. But last year I read The Girl of Fire & Thorns series (which feels very high fantasy to me) and I adored it.
    Good luck with all your goals this year! Thanks so much for visiting my blog.

  4. Thanks for stopping by In Wonderland! Your list is great and I need to do number 9 more often as well!! My life would be much easier if I scheduled half of the posts I do. :]


  5. Scheduling posts makes my life so much easier. :o) Great goals. Maybe I'll see you at some author signings somewhere! <3

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Take Me Away

Diverse Book Blogger. Diverse YA Librarian. Wonder Woman enthusiast. Bookish Blerd. "GryffinClaw" Geek extraordinaire. Pitbull mom. She/her