Top Ten Books That Will Make You Swoon

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. Each week we will post a new Top Ten list. Everyone is welcome to join.   
This week’s topic is:
 Top Ten Books That Will Make You Swoon
*These are in no particular order!
Frigid (Frigid, #1)
1. Frigid by J. Lynn: This book is filled with the swoons! It’s a story about two friends that became lovers. And after they finally got together, they got locked in this house and trust me, it may be called FRIGID, but there is nothing cold about it.
Crash into You (Pushing the Limits, #3)
2. Crash into You by Katie McGarry: I loved this one because I wanted Isaiah to get his HEA for a loonnnngggg time. I was so happy that they found each other. Them enduring so much to be together is what made the swoons in this one.
Deity (Covenant, #3)
3. Deity by Jennifer L. Armentroout: Ummm Chapter 22. Enough said. It definitely made my heart speed up. I remember when I read it, it was raining really hard and the power was out and I wanted to open the freezer and stick my head in it anyways. It was just that hot!
Anna and the French Kiss
4. Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins: This one is a light, fluffy romance. And I LOVE Etienne. And the fact that it’s set in PARIS?! Cues ALL the swoons!
5. If I Stay by Gayle Forman: I remember choosing to read this one because I saw Adam  on someone’s Book Boyfriend list and it mentioned him and music and I had to get to know him. And I’m so glad I did. He was so sweet and it was obvious that he loved Mia. I was left crying and clutching my heart so many times.
7. The Distance Between Us by Kasie West: Oh my goodness. The kitchen scene? Um yeah I had to put a permanent book mark there. Y’all know I love my swoons and that one was HAWT!
 Side Effects May Vary
8. This is What Happy Looks Like by Jennifer E. Smith: This one doesn’t come out until the end of the month, but the guy in this book is amazeballs. I hated a little thing about him, but for the most part he is so incredibly swoony! It’s obvious how he feels about her and it tears my heart up that things happened between them like that. When you read it you’ll understand.
9. Scarlet by Marissa Meyer: Man Wolf. That’s all there is to say lol He is so in love with Scarlet and he is a real life bad boy. And trust me, he brings all the swoons! 
10. The Beautiful and the Cursed by Page Morgan: This one doesn’t have outright swoons, but the mystery is there. And I know they are coming in the sequel. I cannot wait to see what they’re all about and I hope there is even more kissing!
There are SO many more, but if I had added them all, this list would’ve went on FOREVER lol 

4 thoughts on “Top Ten Books That Will Make You Swoon

  1. I've had Anna and the French Kiss on my bookshelf for the longest time but I haven't gotten around to reading it. I should really pick it up this year!

  2. Nice! Seeing a bit of Scarlet! Almost makes me curious about it despite my not enjoying Cinder. Yay for some paranormal picks too! Loved The Beautiful and the Cursed!

    Here's my Tuesday post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

  3. Anna is also on my list! 🙂 I've read Side Effects May Vary and I loved it too! Great list! 🙂

    Our TTT

  4. I've read Anna, Crash Into You, If I Stay and Distance Between Us and loved them all, you obviously have great taste!

    Thanks for stopping by 🙂

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