Beyond the Book: Montgomery County Book Festival

This bookish feature is an original by me! I had the epiphany for this the other day when I was writing out my 15 bookish confessions. (See #7) A lot of times I like to go “beyond the book” and do something that will connect me with the book and characters a little more. It will pop up on Mondays! Be on the look out for which books caught my eye and made me go beyond just reading it! 
     On the 15th I went to this event called Montgomery County Book Festival. Weird thing about this event, it was just 30 minutes from the town where I live and at first I wassn’t even going to make an effort to go. But then the author list came out and my face did this number: o_O and I KNEW that I had to go.
     So, I got there and me and my mom wandered right to the place where they were selling books. At first I bought a copy of Such Sweet Sorrow by Jenny Trout and a paperback of Scarlet by Marissa Meyer because well, as you all can see from the side bar that I randomly put up a few weeks ago, MY BLOG IS IN IT! I wanted to wait until I got a physical copy to put the actual picture up, so here it is!

But enough with the fan girling! So after book buying we went to the first panel we chose, “Fantasy is Everywhere.” It featured the authors, Cassandra Rose Clarke, Krissi Dallas, and Mary Lindsey. I chose this panel because as y’all know, I’m not a huge fantasy fan. I wanted to learn more about the genre before I dived into it this year with my “Broadening my Horizons” project this year. I learned some interesting things about fantasy. Like its a really fun genre to write because you can make up your own type of details and if you’re in high fantasy, you can even make up your entire world. As Mary Lindsey said, “We all lie for a living.” Which makes me not want to think about it as much.

Then there was the reason I went to this event… The “It’s more than just Robots: Sci-fi” panel. This panel had Marissa Meyer, Jessica Brody, PJ Hoover, Belle Whittington, and Lindsay Cummings. This panel was PACKED. LIke there were people sitting on the floor and on standing in the back of the room. They couldn’t even oopen the door. So finally they started. It started with the authors tellings us about themselves and their book. FUNNY STORY: When it got to Lindsay Cummings, she began describing her book and said I will gie this ARC to the first person to stand up and sing. I bolted out of my chair and belted out “Happy Birthday” hahaha Needless to say…..

    Lastly we went to the “From Angels to Vampires: Paranormal Fiction” panel. This one featured Victoria Scott, CC Hunter, Mari mancusi, Heather Reid, Joy Preble, and Shauna Allen. I was excited for this panel as well because last time I met Victoria Scott, she was super nice! 
     And clearly she’s still nice because she gave me a poster of her new book cover that I ADORE! I have the ARC, but the water droplets are different on the final and I want one JUST for those lol Does that make me shallow? lol
     But all in all, I had a good time. Here are some pictures of all the things I had signed and all the authors I met.
     Those are my newly signed Lunar Chronicles series books, my book by Cassandra Rose Clarke, Lindsay Cummings, Mary Lindsey, and then my picture of me and Jessica Brody along with my signed copy of Unremembered and my favorite picture of the day, ME AND MARISSA MEYER!!!

Take Me Away

Diverse Book Blogger. Diverse YA Librarian. Wonder Woman enthusiast. Bookish Blerd. "GryffinClaw" Geek extraordinaire. Pitbull mom. She/her