Swoon Thursday: What a Kiss Edition!

Swoon Thursday is a weekly event hosted by YA Bound.

 Here’s what you do:

From the book you’re currently reading, or one you just finished, tell me what made you swoon. What got your heart pounding, your skin tingling, and your stomach fluttering. Shout it out on twitter with the hashtag #YABound, post it here in the comments or grab the button above and share it on your blog.

“The night slows, blurs. Awareness rises, skin smolders. His fingertips graze my cheek, soft, questioning, and I lift my chin, hold his smoky, half-lidded,gaze unntil his mouth finds mine and then we are  both seeking, finding, staying. We kiss forever, hot and hotter, training, tangled, delirious, until Daisy sticks her cold nose right into our joined faces and snuffles, forcing us to fall back and away, laughing, gasping, stunned, hair disheveled, lips tingling, the top of my strapless gown and the bottom of his t-shirt in disarray from our hungry, eager hands touching, stroking, exploring the thrilling and mysterious unseen.”
45% (e-ARC)

What made you swoon this week?!

6 thoughts on “Swoon Thursday: What a Kiss Edition!

  1. Okay, so I'm wondering who Daisy is. I'm guessing she's an animal of some kind. Nice swoon. Hope you enjoy the rest of the book.

    My Swoon @ Marilyn's Mystery Blog

  2. Oh wow Nikki! That is awesome! I have this one to read, but I am trying to emotionally prepare myself because I've heard it will make me cry!

  3. Aww, what an interesting way to be interrupted ;D I really did not expect that from a book like this! I saw the book and immediately thought, tender moment, but NOPE, steamy moment! Love 😀

    Thanks for visiting my blog!

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  4. Wow, I love how that was almost poetic the way it was written. Such a beautiful and tender swoon!

  5. That made me chuckle– so tender and then here come Daisy! Great swoon!

    Teresa @ Readers Live A Thousand Lives

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Take Me Away

Diverse Book Blogger. Diverse YA Librarian. Wonder Woman enthusiast. Bookish Blerd. "GryffinClaw" Geek extraordinaire. Pitbull mom. She/her linktr.ee/take_me_awayyy