Author Interactions and More Than Just Words!

       Unfortunately here is another year that I couldn’t make it to BEA 🙁 Living in Texas and going to NYC is a bit too far for me. Especially going by myself. I just couldn’t make the leap to do it. Next year tho I am MAKING my mom go. She’ll be retired by then so it’ll be ok lol But ANYWAYS, since I can’t go, I will be bringing BEA to me…. And my armchair lol


     This one is definitely easy. I haven’t actually met many authors, but because of Twitter, I talked to a lot of them. And let me tell you, three years of blogging and I STILL fangirl every time smh Here are some of my favorite author interactions, both in real life and just on Twitter!

    Earlier this year I went to the Montgomery County Book Festival and met one of my favorite authors, Marissa Meyer. (Mrs. Meyer if you happen to read this, I’m the girl that hopped up to sing Happy Birthday!!!! lmao) She wrote the Lunar Chronicles series (Cinder, Scarlet, and Cress.) Cinder is one of my all time favorites and when I heard she was coming near me, I KNEW I had to meet her. She’s basically one of the sweetest people I’ve ever met. On top of that, she’s an amazing storyteller and she signed Wolf the super hot street fighter over to me. And when I told her my blog appeared in the paperback copy of Scarlet, she hugged me again to say thanks! I was very appreciative that she appreciated my love for her writing. I hope to meet her again one day!
     This picture is of me and Jennifer L. Armentrout! (Mrs. Armentrout if you read this, I’m the chick who was walking around in a birthday Tiara!) In case you hadn’t noticed by the amount of books by her I’ve read, she’s one of my favorite authors. I was able to meet her on the release date of her last book in the Covenant series. Which just so happened to be my birthday! So when I met her, she was just as nice in person as she had been on Twitter. And she signed over Aiden to me as a birthday surprise. If you know me, you know that Aiden is one of my all time book boyfriends and I was over the moon when she signed him to me like that. 
     And here is an author interaction that I STILL love even to this day! I am a huge fan of the Pushing the Limits series by Katie McGarry. I was honored to read an advance copy of Dare You To and there’s a scene in the very beginning that has a Taco Bell drive thru. I read it and got on Twitter for a little bit and saw this. (If you can’t read it, you can click on it and make it bigger.) It was basically one of the funniest things ever! Writing this now has me craving some Taco Bell lol 


     I probably won’t have too much to say on this topic because I don’t normally read anything other than normal books. with audiobooks I find myself not listening if I just so happen to do other things. As for graphic novels, I JUST started reading those. And only because it’s the only way The Walking Dead comes lol Speaking of The Walking Dead, I watch any book to movie or book to tv shows. I also love comic books. I love Wonder Woman and I have over a dozen of her comic books. 
     Looking at other people though, these different ways to read seem to help others. My younger sister can’t read on her own yet but LOVES audioooks. She LOVED Twilight and has since moved on to the Harry Potter series. I’ve also talked to other bloggers who’ve said they like to listen to audiobooks while they clean or drive. I’ve started listening to them while I set up the restaurant where I work. It just takes me an extra long time to read them because I find myself having to rewind or go back a lot of times because I missed something or started thinking about something else and was tuning it out. 
What are some of your favorite author interactions?
Do you read with more than just words? 

Join me tomorrow to talk about expanding your blogging horizons and novells or short stories!

9 thoughts on “Author Interactions and More Than Just Words!

  1. I love the story about Taco Bell, though in real life that would be a horrible thing to be stuck behind!

  2. I've never had any author interactions, sadly. But I have a new love for audiobooks. My More Than Words talks about that. Thanks for sharing!

  3. I am listening more and more to audio books—but I have to work at the focus because I can drift pretty easily. Yay on your sister with the audio books, glad she found them and there so many great choice out there! She might want to try Shiver as an audio…the readers doing an amazing job. I've met a few authors over the years and they have always been so nice, so down to earth–people just like us who love to read, write and talk about their books and others. Thanks for sharing your pics and SUWEET on the autograph copies of Marissa Meyer books!

  4. lol It definitely would. I'd probably pull around and go inside lol

    Thanks for stopping by!

  5. Try Twitter! My interaction with Katie McGarry was before I had ever went to any signings or anything.

    Thanks for stopping by!

  6. I definitely agree, my focus is pretty bad. Sometimes I can feel myself drifting. Just rewind to the last thing you remember and listen again. It may take a while to finish the book, but it'll happen eventually!

    Thanks for stopping by!

  7. Talking to authors NEVER gets old, does it? <3 They're just amazingggg people!! AND JEALOUS YOU GOT TO MEET MARISSA MEYER!

  8. It took me a while to get into audiobooks and sometimes I still find myself rewinding. Or just hoping that the part I zoned out during isn't an important part. LOL! I miss listening to them now that I don't have a long commute anymore.

    And hey–just think–we can Armchair BEA in our pajamas. Couldn't go to Javits dressed this way! 😉

  9. Woot! I met , Marissa Meyers too isnt she awesome! Sadly I've only read the first in her series and really need to get back into it!

    So jealous that you met Jennifer Armentrout!!

    BTW Go book boyfriends lol! My husband hates when I say that but its hard to resist guys like Aiden right?

    Thanks for visiting my ArmchairBEA Post!

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Diverse Book Blogger. Diverse YA Librarian. Wonder Woman enthusiast. Bookish Blerd. "GryffinClaw" Geek extraordinaire. Pitbull mom. She/her