Top Ten Tuesday: Favorite TV Shows!

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the BookishEach week we will post a new Top Ten list. Everyone is welcome to join.   

This week’s topic is:
 Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Favorite Movies or TV Shows!
*These are in no particular order!

Image of Criminal Minds
1. Criminal Minds: I can watch any crime show as long as it’s fiction or as long as it’s one that’s about someone that’s been caught already. 

Image of Castle
2. Castle: I’m not sure how I missed out on this show and I’m not sure how I did… I mean the main character is an AUTHOR! But now that I know about it, i can’t get enough of it. 

Image of Supernatural
3. Supernatural: I saw the first episode of this when I was reading Hereafter by Tara Hudson. And it turns out that it was about the same thing. And that made me want to watch every other episode of it. 

Flashpoint (2008) Poster
4. Flash Point: I love this show. I’m not even sure how I came acrooss it. I just know that once I started watching it, I was hooked.

Glee (2009) Poster
5. Glee: I wasn’t a fan until I watched the Michael Jackson episode. And by then I was a lost cause. I remember sitting and spending an entire Saturday afternoon in my living room getting food delivered and everything just so I could sit in front of the tv and watch it! 

The Walking Dead (2010) Poster
6. The Walking Dead: I was late to the party with this one too, but the reason why is I saw a preview of an upcoming season and I can’t lie, it scared me. I was not trying to watch it. But then I heard the story line was really good, so I gave it a shot. Still doesn’t change the scary factor tho lol To this day when i can tell something is going to be particularly gruesome, i will close my eyes or turn my face away. 

Scandal (2012) Poster
7. Scandal: I LOVE this show. And Kerri Washington. Because of this show I took an interest in politics and I know it’s only fictional, but it’s just THAT. GOOD. 

Grey's Anatomy (2005) Poster
8. Grey’s Anatomy: I was also late to the party on this one and found it only after I got Netflix. I started watching it and got hooked. This little show has made me laugh, made me cry, and made me cringe. Some of the things people do and the situations they end up in amaze me.

Bones (2005) Poster
9. Bones: It’s extremely cool how they figure everything out based on bones. But its super weird how they find them all. And kind of creepy too.

Once Upon a Time (2011) Poster
10. Once Upon a Time: I like this show because I like re-tellings of any kind. And although sometimes this makes me mad, I still like it. But, I heard that next season it will feature Frozen and I am ALL OVER IT. 

I chose this as an extra because the show was cancelled so if you’re interested in it, you’ll have to catch it whenever it’s on tv 🙁 
Cold Case (2003) Poster
11. Cold Case: I started watching this because I heard the old school music one night. And then as I was watching it I saw them change from the present to the people that they were in the past and I just thought it was the coolest thing. And because of that, I knew I needed to watch the rest of it. But alas it’s not on Netflix or anything so I just catch the episodes as they come on. I’m super sad it’s been cancelled, but it’s still  great show! 

So, what are some of your favorite shows? Do you like any of these? Do you think you’d like to start watching any of these? 
Let me know in the comments!!!

5 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Favorite TV Shows!

  1. Oh I LOVE Supernatural and Once Upon a Time! Two of my all time fave shows!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

  2. I think that we might be TV watching soul mates as you have a lot of my favorites on your list. lol

    My TTT is here.

  3. Ah yes I forgot The Walking Dead! I think that's because I haven't watched the current season yet.

  4. Husband and I watch Bones and Supernatural, but we both have been losing interest in them. Scandal is one I haven't started yet, but I hope to start it soon. Thanks for stopping by my TTT

    Sandy @ Somewhere Only We Know

  5. The only series from your list that I follow is Bones (can't wait for the next season!) I'm sure they're all great it's just that I usually follow comedies. Thanks for stopping by!

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