Beyond the Book: Isla and the Happily Ever After

This bookish feature is an original by me! I had the epiphany for this the other day when I was writing out my 15 bookish confessions. (See #7) A lot of times I like to go “beyond the book” and do something that will connect me with the book and characters a little more. It will pop up on Mondays! Be on the look out for which books caught my eye and made me go beyond just reading it! 
“Phones are distracting. The internet is distracting.The way he looked at you? He wasn’t distracted. He was consumed.” 
     My original Beyond the Book post was going to be about me and the boyfriend and my own happily ever after, but another (more well known blogger) beat me to it, so I went with something else that is pretty cool too. 
     The majority of this book was written with them in Paris, France. Paris is one of the places I love reading about because I want to visit there so bad. One day I WILL make it happen. And the first place I want to visit? You guessed it, Ponte Vecchio.
     Ponte Vecchio is basically the Love Lock bridge. The legend says if you and your significant other makes a lock, clips it to the bridge, and throws the key into the Arno River below, your love will last forever. It’s named as one of the most romantic places in the entire world. It’s known by so many people that people are mimicking the bridge and making some of their own right here in the United States.
     I can picture so many of my favorite characters going out to this bridge. Especially Josh and Isla. With Josh being an artist I imagine him drawing those locks or those couples as they lock their lock to the bridge. I bet those pictures would be gorgeous. And for him to be such a romantic, I knew that this would be something he would love. And of course with Isla being so amazed that they’re finally together, I’m sure this would melt her little heart. 
     I am a huge believer of a lot of things so this bridge means a lot to me. Even though I’ve never been. I think it’s so sweet of all these couples to go out there and hope to keep their love alive forever. I really hope that with each other they all find their “happily ever after.” 
Have you ever visited Ponte Vecchio?
Would you like to visit Ponte Vecchio?
Any other fictional places that you would send your favorite fictional couples on dates? 
Have you ever had such a connection with a book that you had to go beyond just reading it? 
Join me on Mondays with Beyond the Book! 

2 thoughts on “Beyond the Book: Isla and the Happily Ever After

  1. I haven't been to Ponte Vecchio (yet), I read an article a few weeks ago that the gate was getting weighed down by so many locks and they were afraid that it would topple. I hope it doesn't, it's such a cute idea (even though it's so crowded that people have to lock their locks onto other locks!).

    I haven't read Isla, but I loved how Anna portrayed Paris. It felt like I was back there!

    Great feature 🙂

    Amber Elise @ Du Livre

  2. I saw that too and I hated that they were doing it. But I do ultimately understand their reasoning. I wanted to only bring attention to the love part because it breaks my heart they're taking them down.

    Thank you so much!

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Diverse Book Blogger. Diverse YA Librarian. Wonder Woman enthusiast. Bookish Blerd. "GryffinClaw" Geek extraordinaire. Pitbull mom. She/her