Follow Fridays: Favorite Bookish Deaths!

Alison Can Read Feature & Follow
 The Feature and Follow is hosted by two hosts Parajunkee of Parajunkee’s View and Alison of Alison Can Read. Each host will have their own Feature Blog and this way it’ll allow us to show off more new blogs.

This Week’s question:
Describe your favorite book character death scene. Why is it your favorite? Was it a villain or a hero? What made it so good? – via Eternity Through Pages


     This is a pretty weird question, because I’m not a fan of anyone’s deaths, but there are a few that I’m pretty sure this will come up about 5 billion times today, but at the same time, it’s still true. For any Harry Potter fans, Snape’s, Dumbledore’s, and Sirius’ deaths of course were the worst death to handle. I understand how important it was to the story to let everyone know Snape’s true feelings, but at the same time, there it really hurt to not find out all these things about him until it was too late. And let’s face it, that flashback scene just ruined me… And it does it every time. ALWAYS. And then with Sirius’ I was so upset about his death because it was then that I realized that Harry had lost everyone close to him. Every father figure he had was gone and I just felt so sorry for him. And then of course there’s Dumbledore. I think I vowed I would quite reading the series after that. (Although obviously I didn’t because HARRY POTTER) But I was really sad. I think I cried for about an hour. 

One thought on “Follow Fridays: Favorite Bookish Deaths!

  1. Yeah a LOT of deaths in this series killed me! Pretty much starting with Sirius. With Cedric, I was just a little sad, but Sirius is what brought on the first tears!

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    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

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