Top Ten Goals/Resolutions For 2015 — bookish, blogging or otherwise!

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the BookishEach week we will post a new Top Ten list. Everyone is welcome to join.   

This week’s topic is:
 Top Ten Goals/Resolutions for 2015!

This is going to be a mix of bookish and blogger things! 

1. Request more physical ARC’s: I have been doing this for about three years, but I have only requested about three physical ARC’s during that entire time. I am TERRIFIED that they will tell me I’m doing it wrong and just NO so I just did everything through Netgalley and Edelweiss. (Ok maybe it won’t be that bad, but you get what I’m saying here lol) In 2015 I’m going to stop being so scary!

2. Shoot for making more amazing grades: This past semester was reallly crazy. I devoted so much time to schooling but I still only managed two A’s and one B. My schedule this year is more interesting to me this year, so I might just make it. (If you’re wondering I’m taking Public Libraries, Literature for Youth, and Information and Knowledge Professions.)

3. Read FOUR historical fiction books: Last year I decided to read two fantasy, two dystopian, and two historical fiction. I completed them all except the historical fiction. So I decided that in 2015 I will have to read four historical fiction. I want to break into that genre, but I just can’t do it :/ (I’m looking for books along the lines of Code Name Verity by Elizabeth Wein)

4. Stop buying books based on the cover: I do this ALL THE TIME and for the most part I’m usually disappointed. I really need to stop that and figure out a way to not be so shallow and buy based on the content, not the cover. 

5. Catch up on ALLLLLLLLL the series: I am so behind on most of them. (Except my favorites.) I really need to stop reading just the first books and actually get around to the second one. (Or in some cases, the LAST one!)

6. Read more books featuring diversity: This day and age has so much opportunity to have books that can be so unique. This is something near and dear to me and I will do all I can to help support the diverse community. I wan to read at least 12!

7. Read more Middle Grade: With this new class I’m starting, I’m sure it won’t be too hard, but still, I think this will be fun. 2014 turned my blog from MG/YA/NA to just YA/NA. I want to get back to reading some good ol MG. 

8. Reading at LEAST 10 titles I should’ve read a long time ago: For instance- Jellicoe Road, the last three books from the Soul Screamers series, Hate List, and others. 

9. Talk to more people in the book community: I did better at this one this year since I met so many bookish people through my classes, but I’d much rather have those bookish friends I can e-mail back and forth and talk to all the time on Twitter. Authors are included in this one as well!

10. Get better about cross posting: I used to be sooooooo good about this, but then school happened, and I got so behind on everything. I haven’t even added all my reviews to my own archives smdh 
What are your bookish resolutions for 2015?!

2 thoughts on “Top Ten Goals/Resolutions For 2015 — bookish, blogging or otherwise!

  1. OOoh nice! I need to work on something regarding ARCs as well, but I figure when I make my requests and they get rejected I just turn to the neglected TBR Mountain of Doom!

    Good luck with your resolutions!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

  2. These are some great goals. I also need to request more physical ARCs but I'm terrified about being turned down too. And I also need to do more cross-posting.

    Oh and let me know if you want Historical Fiction recommendations. Have you read Elizabeth Wein's other books? She has a new one coming out in April I think and there's Rose Under Fire too.
    Cassi @ My Thoughts Literally

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Diverse Book Blogger. Diverse YA Librarian. Wonder Woman enthusiast. Bookish Blerd. "GryffinClaw" Geek extraordinaire. Pitbull mom. She/her