Top Ten Things I Like/Dislike When It Comes To Romances In Books

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the BookishEach week we will post a new Top Ten list. Everyone is welcome to join.   

This week’s topic is:
Top Ten Things I Like/Dislike When it Comes to Romance in Books


1. Meet Cute’s: I normally hate tropes, but meet cute’s are my kroyptonite. My favorite one I’ve read so far is in Of Poseidon by Anna Banks. She trips right into Galen’s chest! lol 

2. Romantic Comedies: I love where I can laugh throughout the entire book! One of my favorites is Boomerang by Noelle August! I mean, how can you not love “Toaster Panties”?! lmao

3. Bad Boys: Another trope I can’t help but like… Which is weird because it goes hand in hand with another thing I don’t like… Love Triangles. My first ever “Bad boy” love was Jacob Black from the Twilight series

4. Romance stories told through the male POV: I love being able to tell just how much the dude loves his girl. And when they try to fight it, I love to see those walls crumbling down. My favorite romantic male POV would have to be Isaiah from Crash Into You by Katie McGarry! I loved him from the beginning of the series and when he talked about Rachel, I could definitely tell he loved her. 

5. Heavy hitting issues in YA romance: Even though I love romantic comedies, I do love when there is an underlying issue in a romance. My most recent fave is My Heart and Other Black Holes by Jasmine Warga


6. Love Triangles: I don’t really have a problem with them, I just hate how overdone they are. Like after thatt one came up, they were EVERYWHERE. Just once I’d like to see a love triangle with either two dudes and a girl, or three girls, or three dudes, or one where there is a clear “winner.” Most annoying love triangle I’ve read is the one from the Twilight series. 

7. Insta-Love: I hate when a book drops the “L word” in less than 100 pages. I know for a fact, from real life experiences, that a teen can say I like you without saying I LOVE YOU. Insta-love is prominent in The Things You Kiss Goodbye by Leslie Connor
8. “My life is shit, but when I meet this hot guy, EVERYTHING is better.”: I really hate this one because it makes no sense whatsoever. Where I’m from hot guys only seemed to complicate my life smh Prime example of this- The One by Kiera Cass. America was poor and a rebel but then *SPOILER* after choosing Maxon, she becomes a princess and even saves him from dying from a gunshot wound and then they live happily ever after. 
9. YA/NA couples not wrapping it up and the book not showing any consequences: I’m a HUGE fan of the smexy times, butttt I do not condone not wrapping it up. Especially if the teens go on without any consequences. This can make the teens think it may be ok to do. One book that did this that made me upset about it was What I Thought was True by Huntley Fitzpatrick
10. Boys and Girls can never be “just friends”: I hate this troupe because I break it everyday in real life. (Even though I’m not a teen….) But I’m a firm believer in friends being strictly friends. I have plenty of friends that are male and straight. I don’t think all boys and girls need to experiment together. One book that does this is Gale and Katniss from The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. I never really understood their relationship, but it happened that way, and I hated it. 
What about you? What do you like or dislike about romance in books? 

3 thoughts on “Top Ten Things I Like/Dislike When It Comes To Romances In Books

  1. OOOh nice! I agree with all these too! Ironically I struggled to create my own 50/50 list but seeing everyone else's I'm like oh yeah yeah! That that! Guess it always depends on the author and how she/he executes the romance elements. Sometimes things work and sometimes they don't. It's harder for me to pinpoint each trope!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

  2. Great list! I love a good "meet-cute." The more awkward the better. I am also with you on the whole boys and girls can't be friends thing. I think that's one of the reasons I hate love triangles. Usually there is one side where it's clearly not romantic but they force it on you and it doesn't work.
    Cassi @ My Thoughts Literally

  3. I like comedies too. I think insta love and love triangles are the majority on these lists, yet they keep getting on the market. not sure what is up with this.

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