TTT: Top Ten Book Related Problems I Have

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the BookishEach week we will post a new Top Ten list. Everyone is welcome to join.   

This week’s topic is:
Top Ten Book Related Problems I Have

1. Buying more than I read or have space for: This should be EVERYONE’S number one. I’m sure we ALL have this problem. I’m doing a list of all the physical copies I own and highlighting those that I’ve read in red (pun intended) and I’m up to 100 now and a lot less than half of them are red…. (Remember this does NOT include my Nook and Kindle books smh) And let’s be honest, I live in a one bedroom apartment with another person. WE DON’T HAVE SPACE FOR ALL THESE UNREAD BOOKS! 

2. I’m a cover whore: This has got to be one of the worst because seven out of ten times I either don’t read it or I DNF it. (Ahem Wake by Amanda Hocking -__-)

3. People making convos with me when they see me reading: I hardly noticed you sat down next to me…. What makes you think I want to have a convo with you? 

4. Reading & Snacking: I read and snack all the time… But my biggest problem is finding the right snack. I normally go for hot Cheetos puffs and I’m sure you understand how that can be a problem with physical copies

5. Figuring out what to read next: I clearly have so many books I need to read, but sometimes with all of those books, I just can’t find one I want to read.

6. I talk to my books: Most people talk back to their movies. I on the other hand talk back to my books. i.e. “Don’t go in there!” or “Ugh why would you do that?!” When I start doing that, the boyfriend just walks away

7. Amazon one click: This is a problem because I don’t have the money to keep buying things, but I KEEP. DOING. IT. 

8. Short attention span: I know so many people that can sit and read for hours on end. Me on the other hand cant read without something on my TV so I can read a couple pages, play on Twitter for HOURS, read, blog, and repeat. 

9. Slow reader: I’m not an extremely slow reader, but add my medium speed with my short attention span and it takes me about 3 days to read a 300 something page book. I wish I was one of those people who could read three of those 300 something page books in one day! 

10. Being social <<<< My Book: I hate having to go places and actually talk to people. In real life I’m really awkward and I don’t really like talking. Even talking to the boyfriend is weird sometimes as he’s the social butterfly. I always tend to make jokes that no one gets because they’re in reference to a book or something. It’s pretty embarrassing lol 

What about you? What bookish problems do you have?!

One thought on “TTT: Top Ten Book Related Problems I Have

  1. So I can agree with so many… number one of course!!!! and yes most of my books I have bought remain unread. I find I finish more when they are on audio because I too have a short attention span. 3 days per book is not bad sometimes it takes me weeks. I also have the issue of deciding what to read and that is why i read multiple at one time. Add that to the attention span issue and yes it takes me forever to finish a book. On the upside I will finish like 6 in a week. they just took me 3 weeks to read lol. I hate when people want to talk when I am reading. um go away I am busy which youc an obviously see… book in hand, face in book. love your top ten.

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