Top 10 Quotes I Loved From Books I Read in the Past Year Or So

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the BookishEach week we will post a new Top Ten list. Everyone is welcome to join.   

This week’s topic is:
Top 10 Quotes I Loved From Books I Read in the Past Year Or So

These are all from books I’ve read in 2015! 

1. “I closed my eyes and listened to the occasional chirps of tiny birds hidden in the trees around us, the bubbling of water over rocks down below, cicadas rattling a chorus off in the distance. All sounds of the world carrying on like it always had. So much could change or be lost, and still, the rest of the world went on like it was nothing. It didn’t seem wrong, but it didn’t seem right either. I’d gone on today like it was nothing. I’d laughed and felt happy and forgotten for a little while that this was now a world without my brother in it.” 
-In Honor by Jessi Kirby

2. “And maybe what growing up really means is knowing that you don’t have to be just a character, going whichever way the story says. It’s knowing you could be the author instead.” 
-Love Letters to the Dead by Ava Dellaira

3. “In books, sometimes the fore-shadowing is so obvious that you know whats going to happen. But knowing what happens isn’t the same as knowing how it happens Getting there is the best part.”
-The Start of Me and You by Emery Lord

4. “It’s easier to believe in the cruel hand of nature, than the cruel hand of man.” 
-Daughter of Deep Silence by Carrie Ryan

5. “If I felt truly free, then I wouldn’t have to do things to prove I am.”
-Joyride by Anna Banks

6. “I like waking up from nightmares. Sure, the nightmare itself is a mind fuck, but knowing I’m ok? That’s what I like.” 
-More Happy Than Not by Adam Silvera
7. “Maybe […] you don’t have to win a pageant to wear a crown.”
-Dumplin by Julie Murphy 

8. “You couldn’t train a falcon, then ask it not to hunt.”
-Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo

9. “…ants can slay an elephant if there are enough of them.” 
-Illuminae by Amie Kaufman and Jeff Kristoff

10. “You can’t really oppose anything until you’ve researched it properly, can you?”
-First & Then by Emma Mills

One thought on “Top 10 Quotes I Loved From Books I Read in the Past Year Or So

  1. OOh nice quotes! Lots of new to me ones! Still need to read Six of Crows!

    Here'e my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

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